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What the hell guys how could you do this shiny you made me cry...

Tine - say your vows, you idiot.

Gulf - smiled softly

Today I finally got a chance to share what's in my heart the first time I saw you I feel for you guys, but that was weird you guys kidnapped me after knowing the trust I was hurt happy-sad excited all at the same time with time what you guys did for me made me fall for you.....yes I fell for you...I would like to thank you for being with me and being there for me I never had a normal life it made me think every day will I ever find the happiness you guys made me realise what happiness is about with you guys I feel free loved like I the most precious thing in the world...
I vow patience, honesty and adoring love as long as we all shall live, I promise never to run away again hehe...I have a gift too for you... He opened the first button on his shirt and pulled out a chain he had three rings in it...

This is the only the I ever bought I don't know why I bought it but as soon as a saw this locket I knew I wanted it these three rings are everything to me and today I give it to you to show how much I am am love you...

Everyone sitting was already crying type the tough guy was also crying seeing his best friend finally being so happy and getting everything he deserves...

The grooms and bride were also in tears mew, bright and win too gave there rings to gulf and gulf put the rings he had.....

They had already marked each other so they just kissed it was a small kiss showing love for each other.

Tine - let's throw the bouquet gulf you have three husbands so you will throw three of them.

Gulf - yeah let's see who is next to the brothers just smiled seeing gukf getting excited just to throw a bouquet.

Mew passed gulf his and gulf threw it with mew on his side then win came and passed gulf the second bouquet then finally bright came but gulf didn't want to throw it...

Bright - throw it, baby.

Gulf - can I keep this one please na it's so pretty.

Bright chucked baby it's for unmarried people who will become the next bides  if you keep it we will have to get married again.

Gulf - puppy eyes

Mew - baby we will get you one more exactly like this one please throw this one so many people are waiting for it.

Gulf - you promise

Mew - yes sweetheart.

Gulf threw the third one too which directly went to type who was busy eating ice cream and tharn smiled on it.

The first one one girl from the same pack got second was caught by tine and third one was by type.

Mew - looks like our baby will be the brides made in the next weeding.

Gulf - hey I will be the best man.

Tharn - you can be my best man gulf I don't mind...

Gulf - really with sparkling eyes

Type - what no gulf you are my best man.

Gulf - let's do this competition later you know it's my wedding today.

Tharn just smiled now type wants to marry him this thought is more than enough for now.

Win - ya please it's our wedding let's go and have our first dance sweetie gulf smiled and went with win...

Mew and bright kept guests in the company till their chance comes and win and gulf kept dancing...

The wedding was finally over mew carried gulf to their room and they all slept peacefully.......

Type and tharn got married a year and wattine after 7 months......

It's been two years since gulf and the brothers wedding gulf was the luna now and type and tine too......

Mew - baby what do want to eat.

Gulf - pancake with juice and my favourite one.

Win - me too

Bright - me three

Mew - hey I am not your servant I will only get gulfs food because he is pregnant and can't move too much.

Gulf just sicked our his tongue and the brothers chucked.

Yea gulf was pregnant now and no one I repeat no one dares to mess with the angry lion because now the cute kitten was a big lion that can bite.....

Gulf gave birth to three kids a year later two more and three years later one more......

Type got pregnant too with twins and gave birth to two beautiful boys and tine gave birth to one baby girl and one baby boy... The kids are best friends now......

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