Chapter 50

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I slammed the door to Ramshackle wide open. The sound of splintering wood echoed down the hall and dust flew into the air. Ace was right on my heels. I entered the lounge where Yuu was doing homework and Grim munched on tuna salad sandwiches.

They looked up at the commotion we were causing. Yuu put their pen on the coffee table they worked at. They were void of any emotion as they stated, "Let me guess. Because you helped Ace by taking his statistics you are now being forced into helping the other team members."

"How did you..." Ace sweat dropped at Yuu's accuracy

"Spot On!" I bombastically spewed.

"This is exactly what I thought was going to happen," Yuu patted the spot next to them. "So, what have they got you doing now Viv?"

"I am now the manager of Night Raven College's Basketball Club," I said with false pride. The sarcasm dripping from my words turned venomous as I continued, "That means I am in charge of keeping the game books, calculating team statistics, collecting paperwork, organizing supplies, and the first aid! Oh! Let us not forget Coach Vargas is going to get Crowley to have this be my substitution for not having PE! SO, I'M GOING TO BE GRADED ON IT AND I CAN'T QUIT!"

"Hehe! You and the Prefect are too nice. You should try to be more selfish," Grim snickered. He shoved another sandwich into his mouth when Yuu gave him the side-eye.

I plopped onto the sofa, exasperated. "At the next practice, I have to record everyone's baseline stats."

"Is that tomorrow?" Yuu asked.


"Well, Floyd sure will be happy. That's the happiest I've seen him at practice," Ace teased.

I rolled my eyes and gave Ace a long, hard stare, "I don't care if that pool noodle is going to be happier. I was enjoying going to the infirmary every time you guys went to the gym." I sighed, "I just organized stuff and helped patch up people if the nurse wasn't there."

"Why were you exempt from PE class anyway?" Ace sat himself in one of our armchairs.

"I have a chronic health condition called 'none of your business'," I answered him.

Ace placed his hand over his heart, "Man, Viv. Aiming to kill with those words?" He grabbed one of Grim's sandwiches.

"Hey! You troublemaker Ace!" Grim stood up to challenge the first year.

Yuu grabbed Grim by the collar, "Ace, don't you have your own dorm to bother?"

Ace paused in his chewing. He swallowed and got up, "Okay, okay. I know when I've overstayed my welcome." Yuu and I shared a look before rolling our eyes. "Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Ace left the Ramshackle dorm. I stretched my body with a groan, "Ugh! It's only been a few weeks since Azul's overblot. I don't want the responsibility!"

"Did he give you the supplies to do all that stuff you mentioned earlier?" Yuu asked me.

"He said that he'd give me the books and keys to the supply closet tomorrow," I answered as I got my homework out.

"Hey, you said you had to do the first aid," Grim jumped onto my lap. "Does he expect you to use your unique magic for that?"

"I hope not," I sighed.

"Unless Ace or Floyd spilled the beans to him, how would Vargas know?" Yuu went back to work on their and Grim's homework. "Besides, didn't Riddle scold you during your tutoring session after the heist about you over use of that healing function?"

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC Fanfiction [ON HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now