The New World

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Nyree's POV

I heard that Zain's new prophecy was about her having a child. We we're going to be grandparents. He saw that we had two options here and that was to have Ivory being killed today or have a new plan. I didn't want them to die so we tried to find a plan.

He was reading books well they attacked us. I have been guarding everyone that joined us in the library. He was becoming very frustrated since he couldn't have an answer for this. I saw Moria come in and have a few other angels with her.

"What can I do to help" she asked as she looked to Zain. "Help me look for a book" he said as he was looking at the bookshelf. She started to look with him and after a few minutes they found it. It was a book that told us how to make a new world.

"This will stop them from ever hurting anyone again" he said as he opened it to the right page. I watched him and Moria work together. They read it and I saw them nod their heads. "We need all of my sisters to create this world together" said Moria.

She looked at me and I smiled lightly. "Go bring them to the throne room" said Zain. We watched her take off out of the doors to find her sisters. I turned to Zain but he was reading a different book.

"Why are you reading" I asked him since we came up with a plan. "We need to leave this world too" he said. "Why" I asked him. "We can't be here after this is done" he says as he continues to read. "They will return again and again if we stay" he tells me.

I knew he was right and I knew that no matter what we do they will always find a way to kill us. I let tears fill my eyes. I will never see my grandchild or my daughters ever again. I was heart broken but this was the right thing to do for everyone.

Moria's POV

I flew away to find everyone. This had to be done and fast. I found Coryn, Tehlia, and Katya help other angels. I grabbed them once the others were safe. We all flew together to find the others. I told them what must be done so they can help us.

I flew and I saw Arya and Remedy together. I flew in front of Remedy to protect her. "Get back demon" I said as I held a sword in my hand. "Moria" said Remedy as she looked to me in fear. "Remedy it's me your twin I have waited forever to see you" said Arya.

"We can leave this place together and never come back just like we had planned when we we're small" said Arya with tears in her eyes. Remedy had her head down. "I am sorry but I can't let you take her" I said blocking Remedy from Arya.

Arya looked heart broken and angry from me blocking Remedy, and from Remedy not joining her. "Please come with me" she said softly rather than harshly. I grabbed Remedy's hand and I flew her away from Arya who was yelling at us for betraying her.

I told Remedy the plan and we both flew to find Ivory. We saw her because she was being attacked by Maryse, Irisa, and a celestial. Remedy helped stop Maryse well I got in the way of Irisa. They both laughed and flew away.

"She won't be able to stop him" said Maryse as they flew away in enjoyment. "Ivory we need you" cried Remedy. "I will love to help you but they are right, I can't kill him" she said as he hit her face. "I hate that you are pregnant" he yelled at her.

He tried to hit her stomach but she was blocking that area only. She was crying from his words and not from the pain. Remedy flew behind him and hit him forcing him to hit a wall.

I grabbed Ivory's hand and we flew to the throne room. We got there quickly and we watched as they we're flying to the doors. We stood in a line and held each other's hands. My whole family was almost here and it hurt me to do this.

Most of us were in tears well we held each other hand in hand. We started to have our magic run through us and our hands began to glow. "You think that will stop us" said Irisa. "No but that's the plan" said Nielle. I saw Ivory cry once the celestial came inside.

"We will protect this family" we all said together and the magic blasted them away. They all started to disappear. Everyone that was here that was a devil had vanished. They we're at the new world we had created for them. It is their prison.

We all celebrated in victory but Ivory cried and dropped to her knees. Nielle, Coryn, and Remedy helped her stand. I turned and I saw a magic portal in front of our parents. "What are you guys doing" I asked them.

"We have to leave this universe to protect you guys" said our mother. "This is my fault and this is the only way to help you guys" said our father. "We love you all equally" they said as they walked through the portal together. The portal closed and that would be the last time we would ever see them again.

Nobody should have to deal with what we do. I have just gotten most of us together. We knew that their prison would protect us and keep them there until they can figure it out. I wiped my tears away but I saw us all shattered.

Our family was starting to become further apart. Now we had nothing to help us to fix it. We had to plan for the future because now we wouldn't know if we had one or not. I looked to everyone and back to the gates. I looked at the gates and said "We will be ready next time."

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