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Chapter Four: Emotions.

A/N...This chapter is awfully vauge so...do what you want with that information. Also i wanna thank yall for 100 reads in only the first three chapters.

CW: Cussing!

Also I'm sorry that it took this long to upload. I wanted to make sure the chapter was perfect before I published it.


Denki was out on the field playing soccer with Kirishima, Bakugou, Midoriya , Sero and some of the other boys.

They've been practicing for their upcoming game against Shiketsu High for the past couple of days.

He was still trying to stay focused on the offer he had recieved from Lisa. Being a model wasn't something he was totally opposed to and the company that Lisa worked for was a famous professional company. Passing an opportunity like this by wasn't going to be the best option at all.

"Earth to Kami!" Ojirou shouts from the other end of the field.

"You alright bro? Sero asks as he places his hands on Denki's shoulders.

"Huh... yeah whats going on?"

Sero chuckles a bit before speaking again, "we're wrapping up for now, it's about to rain," he points to the grey sky above them.

"Oh...uh okay."

Denki follows the other boys into the locker room and takes a seat on one of the benches.

The others were engaged in conversation about something, but Denki wasn't focused on that.

"Bro you like totally won the lottery with Momo...she's hot and her boobs are fucking huge." Mineta gawks.

"Mineta shut your trap." Bakugou says.

"Bro she's like so hot tho, anyone would kill to have her. What do you think Todoroki?"

"I think she has a pleasant smile." Todoroki says, his face turning a light shade of pink.

"Dude c'mon, i know you've looked at them atleast once."

"Everyone isn't as fucking weird as you grapejuice." Bakugou groans.

Denki decides to leave the room to clear his mind. This conversation wasn't helping him stay focused at all.

As he walks towards the bleachers, he notices a certain brunette sitting there.

The girl makes eye-contact with him for a split second before jumping off her seat and walking towards him.

"Hey." She says.

"Hello." Denki answers.

The girl steps closer to him.

"Sooo...have you made up your mind yet?...About the job?"



After Denki had received the offer he'd been thinking long and hard about it. He knew deep down that this wasn't necessarily something that he would do in normal circumstances but in this case he just couldn't get it out of his mind. He came to a decision. He was just going to do it. One life to live.

End of flashback.


Kyoka's POV.

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