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Chapter Seven: Father

Cw: Cussing, (Lots), mentions of death, (by illness) cheating and some other minor stuff. If you're sensitive to any of the following topics pls skip this chapter and the one that will be out after it thx -Chargeboltchu.

Denki POV

I'm currently sitting on the floor of Kirishima's room with sero and Bakugou, playing a video game.

I'm playing against Bakugou and he's pretty much beating my ass.

Mina was here since she had decided to stop by at Kirishima's house before the show because he lived pretty close to the location.

"Yo model boy, don't you have work today?" Sero asks, throwing a Cheeseball at the side of my head.

"I don't feel like going." I respond, placing the controller down and throwing my head back.


"What?" I look over at him, genuinely confused as to whatever he was talking about.


Sero and Kirishima both erupt into laughter and bakugou glares at them.

"I don't wanna play anymore." I say, crawling unto Kirishima's bed and sighing.

"Bro you good?"

"It's not very manly to sulk."


I rub my eyes before turning over to face the wall. "It's Kyoka, I think she isn't into me anymore."

"Why the hell do you think that?" Bakugou asks before scoffing.

"The truth is, I don't know why I feel this way. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but ever since I started modeling shes been acting really distant. She came to the agency with Momo and Mina the other day and she didn't even try to talk to me. She literally just stared at me the entire time, didn't even bother to say a word." I speak.

Mina stares at me from the other end of the room and rolls her eyes, "Seriously Denki how the fuck are you this stupid? You've been with Kyoka for almost two goddamn years and you still haven't picked up on the fact that she absolutely FUCKING SUCKS AT EXPRESSING HER EMOTIONS??" Mina breathes in heavily before she speaks again, "Sorry for yelling, I'm just really pissed right now."

I simply stare at Mina, trying to gather my thoughts. The feeling I was feeling in this moment physically pained me. It seemed like Mina knew Kyoka alot better than me and it made me feel shitty.

I want to know her better than anybody else but that's impossible because she selectively chooses who she wants to open uk to.

And it sickens me that I'm not on that list of persons.

My thoughts were interrupted by Mina speaking again. "Also that Lisa chick you're working with is such a bitch. She's obviously just using this job as an excuse to get closer to you but since you're such an oblivious piece of shit, you're falling for it...falling right into her pathetic little trap."

"And what were those rumours we heard about you going to her house?" Sero asks.

I look over at Mina then over to Sero. "I've only been going over there to eat after we work. It's nothing like what you guys are thinking." I protest.

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