Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Yuki was awoke by a horrible burning in her throat. She turned her head toward her husband's sleeping form. Yuki brushed his hair away from his eyes and stared for a moment.

"Ah!" She exclaimed as a particularly bad wave of thirst ripped through her throat. The baby inside of her kicked out violently as if saying, "hurry up! I'm hungry too!" When she opened her eyes again, she found her husband's wine colored eyes staring back at her.

Without a word, he wrapped his arm around his wife's waist and pulled her to him. Offering his neck to her once again.

Zero was awoken by the smell of blood. Blood that he had tasted before. Kaname Kuran's life source was being spilt. Zero closed his eyes against the pain of hunger and of his heart. Another scent soon joined it. Yuki's blood. Zero swallowed back bile.

Despite her walking about giving off human-like vibes, it was times like this, time that she fed, when he knew that the girl he once loved was no longer human.

A touch on his arm made him glance over. Yori's toffee colored eyes greeted his lavender.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine," he mumbled, slightly amazed that she would let herself be seen this way. Her hair stuck up at all throughout her head. The corner of her eyes held sleep. He smiled gently at the adorable picture it made. The ever-so prim and proper Sayori Wakaba was allowed him to see this picture of absolute disorder. "Cute..."

"Huh?" Yori wondered before realizing what she must look like. "Oh!" She smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck. They fell silent. "Hey, Zero..."

"Hey, Yori..." He teased. Yori smiled lightly.

"When did you start liking me?" Zero's eyes widened momentarily before answering her question.

"I can't pin an exact date, I always liked you in a friendly way. But I suppose the feelings came after Yuki left. Why?" Yori looked somewhere above his shoulder.

"Am I just a replacement for her?"

"Kaname," Yuki breathed.


"Feel this..." She grabbed his hand and pulled it onto her upper left of stomach. The baby kicked out powerfully. The baby had turned. Now, his/her head was at the lower right of her stomach.

"It seems the due date is approaching faster than we originally thought..." Kaname mumbled. Both still glowed with the after effects of feeding and this discovery only made them happier.

"I kind of want her/him to stay in..." Kaname laughed heavily. Yuki blinked and glared, "well human medicines like epidural won't work on vampires! So I'm going to having this child naturally! Do you know how badly that's going to hurt?"

"I give you permission to break my hand when that time comes..."

"I'm going to break more than your hand..." She mumbled. Kaname laughed. His laughter brought a smile to her face and to that of the roaming Night Class.

"No," Zero promised. "You could never be a replacement for her. If I wanted someone like her, I would have her."

"Sound so cocky!" Yori exclaimed. Zero smiled and ran his finger across her cheek bone.

"It's true. There were times when I could have claimed her easily..."

"But Kaname was always in the way. In both Yuki's heart and in your mind.." Yori observed.

"Her love for him was stronger than that of her love for me.." Zero admitted with a shrug, "I realized that and didn't act on the feelings I had."


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