Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Kaname Kuran stared at his wife as she walked past his library. Her long brown hair trailed beautifully behind her. Vaguely, he wondered how such a magnificent woman could have chosen him.

"She may not have chosen you...if she had known she had another option...that same option that you foolish brought into your home..." A small lingering seed of doubt whispered. He shook his head and returned to his work.

Yuki walked down the stairs just in time to see Zero walking in the doors. Without waiting or any hint of bashfulness, she grabbed his arm and towed him back outside. Zero blinked down at her. His lavender eyes instantly turning cold. Yuki looked up at him, her brown eyes unfaltering.

"I deserve your coldness, but I have a plan that I think will help Yori and you move along," Zero eyes widened before his pride came back to him.

"I don't need your help!" He said savagely and attempted to push past her. Yuki grabbed him by the arm and slammed him into the door. Her eyes flashing red.

"You're getting it. I don't want to ever have to kill you," Yuki whispered, "you remember our agreement, don't you?" Zero nodded. "Then allow me to help you. Yori has already consented to my plan and she would be very hurt if you decided against it."

"What is this plan?" Zero asked, her last sentence moving him to agreement.

"Have Yori tell you during the day hours," Yuki whispered, "Kaname can not know of it." Her voice dropped low enough that only he could hear no matter how hard the other inhabitants tried. When she had relayed her plan to Yori, it had been the same quiet tone. Zero nodded and sighed.

"Fine..." With that he turned and walked away from her. Yuki sighed and leaned against the column of the mansion.

'How will I ever keep this from him?' Yuki wondered. 'We are bound to have to feed at some point...' As if giving proof, her throat burned. Yuki touched it and rubbed. 'Soon...'

However, her senses were dull from hunger. She did not sense the danger in the air.

Kaname could sense that his wife was keeping something from him, but those thoughts as to what were soon erased as he sensed his mate's hunger. He fought from going to her. Instead, he stayed where he was. She would simply have to come to him.

His resolve however wavered as he listened to her labored breathes as she fought it off. His resolve cracked completely along with the porch railing underneath her hand.

'Something is wrong...' Kaname realized and without a thought to the cold outside, he jumped through his window and landed with a thump onto the porch in front of his wife.

Her hair fell to the side as she looked up at him from her position on the ground. The splinters of the wood still in her hand, slowly being dissolved into dust by her powerful fingers. Her eyes glowed red as she stared up at her husband.

Kaname knelt in front of her. He could smell her blood in the air, only now. His eyes widened when he realized just where it was coming from. With horror, he realized it was coming from her stomach. His eyes darted around the clearing and finally landed on the red whip slowly slithering away. His eyes narrowed in anger. His rage resulted in the shattering of the windows in the mansion. Vaguely, he heard Yori's scream.

Yori lay on the ground staring in horror at the glass that surrounded her. Many of the pieces stuck into her wrists. A slight cut marred her face. She could hear the door banging open in the middle of her shock.

"Yori!" Two voices yelled at the same time. Both male and both enemies. For a moment, she turned her head. In the doorway stood Zero and Aido. Yori smiled weakly at them before looking back at her wrists.

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