Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

'Can I do what he did?' Aido wondered as he stared at Yori as she bounced Yuki's child in her arms. The once small baby was growing. Now, he was at toddler size. Aido allowed his eyes to travel back to the woman holding him. She looked up at him and smiled. 'Can I really take away the light in her toffee colored eyes? Be the one to break her heart as unmercifully as Zero did?'

"You're ahead of yourself. Who's to say she even loves you?" His rational side asked. Aido ignored it. "Give her a choice. Show her the letter."

"Hey, Yori. Will you come with me? There's something I need to show you." Yori stood with the child still in her arms. She turned and handed him to Ruka. The moment the baby touched Ruka's arms, a gentle smile curved her lips. Aido smiled. Kain sat with an arm wrapped around her shoulder. His toffee colored eyes focused on her.

Yori slipped her hand in his, breaking his focus on her.

"Lead the way," she said with a smile. Aido grinned.

"As you wish, my lady."


Kaname smiled gently as Yuki opened her eyes.

"What the heck was that?" She asked. Kaname laughed bitterly.

"That, was a rather awful consequence of our bonding." He mumbled. "Unfortunately, I was unaware of it. Any pain I go through, you go through. Magnifying my own or yours.."

"Then why didn't anything happen to you when I was-"

"I have no idea." Yuki pouted cutely. Kaname smiled and smoothed the pout off of her lips. He pulled her into his arms. "I'm just glad your okay now..."

"Please, don't punish Aido. He was just helping..." She whispered against his shoulder. Kaname smiled gently.

"I won't. I promise."

"Good..." Yuki's eyes widened over Kaname's shoulder as the racing of a human heart was heard throughout the halls.

Farther down the hall, Zero turned toward the sound. Ruka and Kain looked away from the child in their arms.

"What on earth did he show her?" Kain mumbled.


"What will happen to you if we stay together?" Yori asked, her hands shaking as she gripped the letter.

"I don't know. Probably disownment," Aido stated honestly. Yori shook her head.

"Let's break up." Pain shot through Aido's heart at her words. She dropped the letter and stepped closer to him. "I can't have you...disowned because of me. We can still be friends..."


Zero was tempted to whoop with joy as he listened to the conversation going on in Aido's room when the smell of oranges and vanilla came toward him. Zero tensed at the familiar smell. For a moment, he allowed it to invade his senses.

"You know, it's rude to listen in on conversations, Zero-kun." He turned to see the small, silver haired girl that his condemner had possessed: Maria. She smiled as he took in her appearance.

Maria looked healthier and carried herself with more confidence than she originally showed.

"How are you?" She asked. Her purple eyes took him in. Zero noticed that she seemed to be devouring him with her eyes.

"Hungry, Maria?" He asked. She shook her head.

"Not in the sense your thinking of, Zero-kun." Zero's lavender eyes widened as he caught the insinuation of her words.


"Is that what you really want?" Aido asked. Yori's toffee colored eyes filled with tears. "Because I don't." He stepped closer to her. "I want you, forever. I don't care if they disown me."

"But-" He placed two fingers over her lips.

"You are more important that a title." Yori's breath caught as she registered his words.

"What about your place here?"

"If Kaname-sama should throw me out, I would deal with it and bow down gracefully." Yori bit into her bottom lip before throwing her arms around him. "I take it you want to stay together?"

"Of course, you dolt!"


"Maria." Both Zero and Maria turned toward the new voice. Kaname and Yuki stood before them. "What a pleasant surprise."

"How did you get in?" Ruka asked. Maria's lips ticked in amusement.

"Well, the door, of course."

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