Chapter 6: A date before a date?

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Asher's dad!

Asher's POV:

I can't believe he asked me over to his house to watch movies!!! I don't know how to act! Like I'm sitting on the couch super awkwardly looking through Netflix trying to find us something while he's in the kitchen getting us something to drink. God why am I being so awkward, I'm just being stupid! Pull yourself together damn it!

Anthony comes back in with a big ass smirk, "So why do you have to pull yourself together?"

"Omgosh did I say that out?" He nods, talk about embarrassing! I rub the back of my neck before looking at him.

"Um well you know, um I... am kinda... nervous... is all.." I say looking away feeling my face heat up, damn him and all his hotness making me all nervous and shit.

"There's no need for you to be nervous, all we're doing is watching some movies and hanging out." Yeah, that's kinda the problem, I'm not used to being this close to a guy I like and here I am sitting super close about to watch movies with mister hottie!

"I guess your right. So what do you want to watch first? Thor or The Hulk?"

"I'm guessing you like superhero movies, huh?"

"Yeah I love them, they are like the best thing ever! Like, come on who doesn't like superheroes? Who is your favorite?"

"Hmm, my favorite would have to be... Batman! He's just the shit!" I laughed at him and shook my head.

"He is the shit is he?" He gave me a smile and a big nod. Shaking my head I looked back at the tv, we decided on thor! My personal favorite superhero.


About four movies later he asked if I was hungry, of course, I'm always hungry so he ordered Chinese and ate like there was no tomorrow.

"I just love Chinese food, it's my second favorite next to pizza! Talking about pizza kinda makes want it now." Mmmm pizza!

Anthony's POV:

This kid and his pizza, I couldn't help but bust out laughing. And earlier when we were talking about superheroes he looked so damn cute going on and on about how much he loved them. And the way he eats makes him even cuter! He's so little yet eats like a pig, like how is that even possible. I really want to kiss him right now. So. So. So. Bad.

"What is there something on my face?" He looks at me with big innocent eyes, god so cute!

"No, I was just thinking how cute you are and that I wanted to kiss you." I say honestly, he turns a bright shade of red and looks down. He mumbles something but I don't quite hear him.

"What did you say?"

"I said you can... um, kiss me if you want." I stare at him for a while trying to process if that was really what he said. He finally looks up at me with a ferrous red blush on his face, god he's so cute! I lean forward and press our lips together ever so softly.

I work our lip slowly together, it soon gets more passionate and hot. I bite his lip earning a sexy little moan out of him, he opens his mouth ever so slightly giving me just enough room to plunge my tongue into his mouth. Exploring every corner of his mouth, and sucking on his tongue earns another moan. Pulling back and gasping for air, as we both pant to catch out breath.

"That sure was a great kiss. You're pretty good at it." I send him a wink, which only makes him blush wants again.

"That's actually the first time I've made out with someone."

"Really? Then you're a natural at it, already a pro." He mumbles thanks, then says we should go finish our movie. The one we are watching now is some romantic thingy I haven't really been watching, more looking at how cute Asher looks when he is watching movies.

God that kiss was great like he really is a hell of a good kisser. Thinking about kissing, I wonder if we should make out again. I lean down and to whisper in Asher's ear.

Asher's POV

Our of the corner of my eye I see Anthony lean down to my ear. What the hell is he up to?

"Would you wanna make out again?" He whispers in my ear before I even realize it I let out a small moan. I think he takes this as a yes because before I know it I'm sitting on his lap and his lips are on mine in a hot heated kiss. I could get used to this!

I hope you enjoy this chapter, I know it's kinda short but it was just a filler chapter before their awesome date to the ZOO!!!! I think I'm more excited for there date then they are! Anywho, let me know what you think! :)

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