ch 2 - the florist

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The noblewoman Josiea was most proud of her rolling estates and gardens. They were always a place to hold spectacular spring and summer parties for the nobility off the castle grounds. They were covered in about every flower and tree you could grow in Listavel and all were cared for by her team of maiden florists so they would always be perfect.  

All of her florists were marked with the Affinity. Most were green Flora mages, some were yellow Weather mages, and others blue Water mages. Josiea even made sure to have one of her husband's orange Fawna mages on her rosters in case any animals came barging into her floral haven. She was very particular about her gardens and refused to employ those without the Affinity. 

Josiea, by all accounts, is a horrible employer. She was overly strict and micromanaging in job details, was picky about her florists' housing situations and hobbies, gave few days off, and had long hours. Many maidens passed through Josiea's gardens through the years, using her status in the castle and nobility to earn themselves better apprenticeships or Catalyst positions to the high nobility. Callicarpa however stayed on, season after season, year upon year. 

Calico, as she had been nicknamed for her vitiligo patches, found Josiea a blessing. The woman had hired her as a laundry maid at only 8 when Josiea found her orphaned on the street. Josiea had her household raise her, educate her, and even though she had no Affinity, Josiea eventually let her work in the gardens. Calico was in charge of creating the bouquets that would decorate the houses of most nobility. She knew which flowers to pick to still keep the garden looking full and beautiful for Josiea while still bringing in a large number of funds due to the sale of her lovely bouquets. 

The big thing about Calico's bouquets was that they lasted. They took days to wilt compared to the hours most other bouquets took. Calico would always blame it on the Affinities of the other florists. Their care and attention to the flowers made them last longer. Calico just had the knack of picking and designing the bouquets, nothing more. 

Just like the vitiligo was nothing more. It was just a coincidence that her hands were white like snow and white patches trailed like ivy up her arms. It was vitiligo and nothing more.

Calico and the other florists rose at the fifth strike of the clock in the morning. Each cleaned their faces and dressed in their brown simple dresses and boots and met in the common area for breakfast with the rest of the household staff. Kel and Calico always sat together at the end of the Florist table. The ten florist maids may all live and work together but there were the cliques that still formed.

Neither Kel nor Calico were morning people so they would always eat in silence before going to their morning chores at the sixth strike of the clock. Kel to do her rounds of the gardens to check for pests before heading to work the stable with other Fawna mages and Calico to set up the stall with the bouquets she had made the night before. Calico would spend the morning running the stall on the market street until the mid-day bell when she was relieved to start on the next day's bouquets and orders. 

Her midday meals were always left for her in her workroom which she ate looking over the incoming orders that she had. The light meal consumed and a list of flowers she needed put to memory, she would grab her woven shallow basket and wide brim hat and head out to the estate. 

Calico felt overly warm on this mid-spring day. The flowers were nicely blooming under her coworkers' care and she already had her basket nearly full with cut flowers for the bouquets she would make this evening. The willow in the back of the estate was near the soft wall ivy and moonflowers that made up her signature ties to her bouquets. That willow had the thickest of branches and the best shade spot. It was perfect for an afternoon rest break. 

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