ch 9 - the willow tree

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The wind rustling through tall grasses woke them from their uneasy slumber. Hycein had been tasked with killing 3 people that morning. Odell had not been pleased when the three large men tested their fire affinities against the matchmakers who were preparing them to be transferred to their new owners. Odell and the rest of the castle and nobility had a different word, Keeper, but everyone could see what they really were. 

The afternoon sun streamed through the thick foliage as they sat up and took account of their surroundings.  They remember being dismissed but nothing else. Another black hole in their memories. 

The garden beyond the tree branches seemed familiar, and then it hit like thick rods the knights used for practice. This was Callicarpa's garden. This was the willow they met at over a month ago, it was almost two at this point they recalled through all the black holes. 

Staying low they crept through the tall grasses and looked to the garden beyond. The flowers were still immaculate and there wasn't a wilted leaf in sight. The Lady Josiea must have kept all her staff after the law had passed, surely that would have also kept Calico in her place and not given her extra tasks to take over. 

They hoped she wasn't overworked and was well taken care of. She hadn't been to the castle in a long time, with no planned balls due to the castle's overcrowding, there was no need for her services. Even her flower bouquets were delivered for her, a task given to those newly crown-owned affinity people. 

There wasn't anyone around, including Calico. They couldn't just lay here waiting to get caught. They should probably sneak out and return to the castle before they were found. 

"Hello? Is someone there?" A timid voice called out from behind them. 

"Sorry I just stumbled in by accident, I will go." Hycein rose to leave and came face to face with Calico. "Callicarpa..."

"Hycein," It was more of a sigh than anything, Her brown and white hair was a fluffy mess, it clearly had not been well cared for recently, and neither she if the bags under her eyes said anything. 

"Are you alright? You do not look well." Hycein took the large and heavy basket of flowers from her without asking. She relaxed without the weight to hold and slowly found a place to sit in the grasses, Hycein following suit. 

"It has been a mess." They could see her fight back tears. "The collars made it harder for people to work unmanaged so managers had to be brought in and to pay them their wages as deemed by the Royal Academy, Milady had to reduce staff." 

"I'm so sorry." Hycein fought the urge to reach out to her shoulder. 

"We are managing but it is hard. The garden is large and I have care tasks on top of my flower orders. The managers don't help us, just allow the florists to use their affinities as needed. They are just students at the academy who are doing this for course work and are being paid for it!" Calico balled her fists and slammed them to the ground. "It's not fair! Why do they get to have the money to go to the academy and then get paid on top of it all?" She slammed her fists into the ground again and again. The last one hits the edge of the basket sending all the cut flowers tumbling. 

They looked at the mess of flowers and greenery scattered about them. Most were okay but a good handful had broken steams, leaves, and petals to show for their airborne journey. Slowly Hycein started gathering them up, the healthy ones first. Calico just watched with sad eyes. 

"You can't change a life, unfortunately." Hycein broke the silence. "I have tried but when you are boxed, you just have to deal with that box as best you can." All the healthy flowers gathered, Hycein picked up a particularly broken and dying begonia. "For myself, I take time in the gardens whenever I can and avoid people. I take broken and dying plants such as this as my one opportunity to feel the softness of their leaves and petals as to not ruin the beauty of those that are living."

Calico watched as they removed they brought the flower to their face and inhaled deeply. They smiled at its sweet smell and she watched as its soft pink shade faded to an ash gray. The dying plant wilted until it was no more but a withered broken stem and crunchy petals. 

"I know my box, I have no one outside of this household and I know my life would be far worse beyond these garden walls. This box is a nice box, but it has its dangers and mishaps too." She reached out and gathered another broken begonia and put it in her basket. "The flowers and plants are quiet when everything else is too loud. They never judge and when asked they nicely be on display when I rather not be." 

Hycein put down their withered begonia and helped gather the rest of the plants. "If I had any other affinity I know I would be in the match making markets right now so it's a cruel blessing that I have been given. I have a mother somewhere, but when I am my father's ending I doubt she would still call me her child." They blinked back their own tears. "These boxes don't get any easier with time, we just grow to accept them, huh?"

"Much like the collars will become unnoticeable soon." Calico found their brown eyes. "My friend, Kel, she said that hers has stopped itching and that she finds it kind of pretty. I think she is lying to make herself feel better." 

"People find a way to make the box bearable when it's inescapable." Hycein did put their hand on her shoulder this time. "Surely the markets will do poorly this week and the crown will realize their mistake. They are already struggling to afford to feed, clothe, and shelter everyone. They will turn back on this law."

"Hope is a dangerous thing, Hycein."  

"So is acceptance in the face of abuse."

Calico blinked back more tears but one escaped and she wiped it away. Her eyes dropped to the flower basket and she bit her lip hard. Without thinking she reached up and grabbed onto their hand that still rested on her shoulder. "You really think there is a chance?"

"I refuse to believe this will be allowed to continue. I want to believe that the gods and goddesses would not allow us, their cherished humans, to do this to one another." Hycein couldn't remember the last time someone reached out and touched them in return. They set to committing this feeling to memory. 

"They do not often mettle with us unless it is for their enjoyment or benefit."

"I wonder what enjoyment or benefit there is for an affinity like mine then," Hycein chuckled trying to lighten the mood. 

"Surely the Mother Light will teach you soon how to use your affinities. Kel says that Great Huntsman and Agile Huntress taught her about her affinity in her dreams as a child. That is what they all say." Calico's blue-green eyes offered hope. 

"No the Dark Goddess has blessed me, have you not seen the ink black markings I have?" 

"I have, but why would the Dark Goddess whose power comes from death and its consumption have you cause it? No, you take and consume life, that is Mother Light's gift and affinity." Calico rose to her feet. "Think about it, but I have to return before the managers come for me. They don't come back here if they don't have to, so you should be fine to leave whenever you feel ready." 

She still had Hycein's hand touching hers until she walked out of arms reach and they slowly both let their arms return to their natural position. Hycein watched her walk away but she didn't turn around again. Her words bounced around in their head though. Could she really be right?

Could their gift really be dealing with life and not death?

Slowly they also stood to leave but a soft pink petal caught their attention. A forgotten begonia, perfect as can be had been left. Well, not completely perfect. It was missing a few petals. Where it was laying was the missing petals, but they were crunchy,  wilted, and ashen after Hycein had touched it. 

They carried the flower and crunchy petals home to the castle. Callicarpa wore no gloves, there was no place for the green marks of a plant affinity to hide. There was no one else to heal the flower... so either Hycein undid their curse upon it or Callicarpa was lying and had a lot to fear.

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