Chapter 23 - Free The Mind

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I carefully slid one gun into the back of my waist band "Friday?"

"Yes Miss Jones." The A.I's voice provided a slight comfort to my racing heart.

"Look after them."

"Of course Miss Jones."

The elevator doors slid open as I stepped out into the main lobby, the warms light illuminating Victor's form. Broken glass was scattered across from the broken glass door.

The tension of the room was so thick I could almost choke on it but that didn't stop the sarcastic smirker that pulled at the corners of my mouth "Impatient as always."

Victor just growled animalistically at my sarcasm. Maybe he was still mad I shot him but then again he blew up my bar. "You're time is up Layla hand over the power source and come peacefully or everyone in this building will suffer the consequences."

I kept my gun out of sight slowly approaching Victor, something was wrong. Maybe it was the way he was standing or the way he felt. These people were resourceful, in the 60's they successfully designed a chip to control people like slaves. I knew my brother, hell we had fought side by side for nearly two hundred years, this wasn't him. "Tell me something 'Victor' why do you work for those dickbags? They are going to throw you away like trash as soon as they get what they want. Ann wouldn't want this."

Victor stayed silent for a moment glaring at me before he suddenly snarled "They are the way, they are the righteous, and the pure. The White Hand will rise and ascend their rightful place at the leaders of the new world. You should be honored to be apart of the founding of a utopia for the true believers." That's definitely not Victor.

"Nice speech, did you practice that in the mirror?" Before he could react I pulled the gun from behind my back and shot him in the shoulder and then again in the knee. 'Victor' went down with a cry of pain blood pouring from the bullet wounds. For a minute the Victor image shivered then vanished revealing a malnourished young man. Huh, using an illusion to look like Victor, nice ability.

The boy seemed to take control of his body and tried desperately to drag himself away from me, smearing a trail of blood across the floor. I stuffed the gun into my waistband as he stopped moving from exhaustion. He couldn't have been much older then Peter with shaggy blonde hair that was matted and unkempt.

"Kid, I need you to listen to my voice." His wild eyes burned into me as I kept my hands where he could see them keeping my tone calm but assertive "Focus on my voice. That pain you are feeling is the only thing keeping them out of your head and if you let me I can help you."

The kid whimpered in pain as I kneeled beside carefully taking a knife from his belt and using it to slice through his pant leg and shirt. The huge white hand spray painted on his vest silently taunted me as I worked to bind his leg to stave off major blood loss. I regretted shooting him twice but in order to override the control and help him take back his mind the pain needed to be so unbearable he could not think of anything else.

A wave of fear washed over me as his eyes began to cloud "Sorry about this." I murmed wincing at the high pitched scream that came from him as I pressed my hand against the wound on his shoulder. I quickly tore his jacket using the fabric as a bandage, whispering reassuringly to my unwilling patient "Remember what I said, focus on that pain."

Quickly tying off the wrapping, I delicately rolled him onto his side, the poor kid was nearly unconscious from blood loss and pain. It would be easier for the next part if he wasn't awake for this. Rolling down the back of his collar revealing what I had feared I might find. A thin scar ran along the back of his neck; it was no longer than three inches long. I firmly pressed his head down to keep him still as I dug the blade into his neck slicing along the path of the scar. As soon as the hole was big enough I dropped the blade mentally preparing to do something very gruesome even for me.

I shoved two fingers into the kid's neck. I had only performed this surgery one other time in the 80's when I had pulled a chip from the back of my late friend Katy King's neck well being shot at by a cartel in Mexico. I felt around until my fingers closed on the prize withdrawing a thin chip from the back of his neck coated in blood. Crushing the chip in between my fingers I quickly wrapped his neck finally letting him rest. When the kid woke up his mind would be his own again. I liked to think there is a special place in hell for people who manipulate and control others minds.

I twirled the bloody knife in my hand as I started to climb the stairs "Friday you still there?"

"Yes Miss Jones..." Friday crackled slightly "Someone is trying to hack my coding."

"Just brocast a message for me to the roof." A sickening smicker pulled at the corners of my mouth "You can not run, you can not hide where I will not find you. So sneak around behind your mind controlled puppets like cowards because I am coming for you and I will kill you. I am the Reaper, come get the stone if you dare."

Suddenly the tower shook like an earthquake Friday glitched "Message transmitted. I'm sorry Miss Jones they have broken through my defenses I am being disabled...." The A.I's voice died as the lights of the Tower flicked off before the backup generators kicked in illuminating everything in a red glow.

I stopped hearing the sound of gunfire and yelling coming from the floor above me. The burning of my arm warned me of my mates presence in that chaos. The thought of them being caught in this caused that sinister feeling to destroy murmured in my mind "That's okay Friday I'll take it from here." I growled, drawing both guns and charging up the stairs towards the fight. 

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