Chapter Forty

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It had been a long two months.

John had not expected to be away for so long, yet travelling all over Spain took a great deal of time. Señor Barbour had contacts everywhere, and the idea of foreign trade was something that John was greatly interested in. After Margaret had left, John had stayed in Cadiz for two weeks. It felt wasteful, to be so far away from his business and his wife. He wondered if he'd made the right decision to stay away for such a long time when he could have done without foreign investment or trade. However, the trip had gone so well that he was sure it would be worth it. He wanted to ensure their future, to make Marlborough Mills the best it could be.

Two months was a long time to travel, but he felt his mind had been broadened by it. He returned to Cadiz the investor of a cotton field and with twenty new contracts. A most successful trip indeed.

Though it would not be easy maintaining these deals so far away, John relished the expansion. Fred would serve as translator when needed, paid of course. John, never one for having friends, had grown rather fond of Margaret's brother. He talked too much, and told the filthiest jokes John had ever heard, left over from his navy days. They would surely make Margaret and Dolores blush.

The pair arrived back in Cadiz in mid-October. John had booked passage back to England before they had even left, and he was glad to know that he would soon be back in England. He missed it more than he thought he ever would - it was hard not to be understood, as well as learning the different cultural norms. Still, it was all over now and soon he would be back in Milton with his wife in his arms. The ship sailed the following morning.

John paced the small room where he was staying in Fred and Dolores' house when someone knocked on the door.

"Dolores said these came for you, she forgot to give them to you earlier." Fred said, handing John a stack of letters. "Margaret's handwriting, I'd know it anywhere."

The address on the top envelope was, as Fred said, written in his wife's hand. John's heart swelled merely at the sight of his name in her handwriting. He took the letters from Fred, muttering thanks but desperate to be alone. He closed the door. Lying down on the bed, he tried to work out which to open first. When he turned the envelope over, he realised she had carefully written the date in the top left-hand corner.

Oh, she was clever.

Finding the first letter, he tore it open.

26th August 1853

Dear John

How strange it is to be in Milton without you. We returned here this evening after a lovely week in London. I am sorry I did not write to you there. Dolores seems to like it here, though it is as different to Cadiz as day to night. The climate does not suit Maria so well, but I think she will grow used to it in time. Dolores and Fanny seem to be quite taken with one another, and your mother and Pablo spoke for hours over dinner. It is a great relief to me that they get on well.

I miss you. How empty our bed will feel without you.

I do not know of your plans or where you are at the moment, for I have not yet received a letter from you. I am sure it is merely the postal service, for you are a man of your word and would not fail to write to your besotted wife. I read your letter that you gave me tonight, for I was missing you most dearly. I do yearn for you, husband. You have my heart most completely and I ache for you.

Please be safe on your travels, knowing how much you are cared for by your family - and utterly adored by me.

Be well, husband

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