Chapter 7

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The first thing Nora noticed was the strange rock-like teddy bear she was sleeping on. It was so warm and comforting, but also solid and sturdy. Then she inhaled deeply and the scent just made her snuggle in as close as possible, making the top of her nose nudge a beard. At that sudden observation, Nora's eyes shot open to that of a sleeping giant, M'Baku. Her M'Baku, immediately came to mind, she shook her head in an effort to try and shake the thought away just as quickly as it had come.

Though apprehensive about her attachment, she took this opportunity to examine every inch of his face, memorizing the laugh lines that had started to form around his eyes and full lips, the faint frown lines in the center of his forehead, even the natural curve and plumpness of his pouty lips. Every small detail that made him up seemed to further fascinate Nora, like she couldn't believe such small imperfections dared to mar his features. His long lashes brushed against the tops of his cheeks as he slept and all she could think as she admired him, was that he looked so beautiful, like an old god gently gracing this earth with his ethereal presence. She could stare at him for an entire lifetime and still yearn to gaze at him for a thousand more.

When she finally looked away from M'baku's sleeping form, Nora noticed the morning light peeking through the curtain and tried to pull away as carefully as possible. She had to freeze when he pulled her back to him, wrapping his body around hers and burying his face in her neck. It was another 15 minutes before he shifted again and let her go. As soon as she could, she pried herself away and gathered all of her belongings in a rush, frightened of facing him were he to awaken to her escaping yet again.

She tiptoed to her room, thankful for the quiet and empty hallways, no matter how abnormal and unnerving it was. That same thankfulness turned into regret when she entered her dead silent room, for she immediately longed to be back in M'Baku's arms when her eyes grazed past her cold, desolate bed. It would seem that her evening with him only solidified their connection more, creating a stronger pull with each time she attempted to pull away from him after their coming together. She sighed her defeat, letting the realization of their bond strengthen her resolve to severe it.

Pushing her irrational desires aside, Nora showered and dressed in her own clothes, praying that Nat wouldn't train her too hard today. When she grabbed some breakfast she was surprised that the kitchen was as empty as the hallways had been. She shrugged it off and guessed the rain worked its magic on more than just her and thanked the powers that be for the rare opportunity to avoid being rushed to training.

She sat at the island munching on bowl after bowl of cocoa krispies, trying to focus on reading a coveted favorite. Nora's futile attempt at escaping to a written world made it all too easy for M'Baku to find a secluded spot and examine her every expression. After 3 bowls of cereal and starting the same paragraph over again for the fourth time, Nora decided she should give up and retreat before it was too late to disappear for the day.

As soon as she had the thought, she felt his presence. Like a tropical thunderstorm he stood, brewing beyond the sunlight, waiting to appear and unleash its hot showers - doing nothing to actually cool the day, only making it stickier. Yea, he was just like that. Nora gathered her dishes and carried them to the sink, peeping his unmoving stance but still unwilling to acknowledge him or his growing effect on her. M'Baku never unfolded his arms but he did move with Nora, finding a closer column to lean on and wait for her to face him, talk to him, anything.

Nora moved as slowly as she could, but let's face it, there's only so much you can do to stretch out washing a bowl and a spoon. She even went as far as drying them and putting them away. Pausing to stare down at the sink and gather up the courage to turn towards him, she closed her eyes and took deep measured breaths, counting back from 20.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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