Chapter 3

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From the moment they walked in, all eyes were on them. I mean when the avengers strut in with Wakandan royalty like they own the place, your eyes have no choice but to be drawn to the group. Even though Nora was terrified, with M'Baku walking with his hand protectively on the small of her back, she was able to blend in with the group and not trip over her feet. She breathed a sigh of relief when they made it to their private booth on the rooftop.
Shuri made quick work of getting their drinks sent up and urging Nora to take em down. The sooner they got the girl drunk, the sooner she'd loosen up and be more open to dancing.

Tony went to socialize while Natasha and Banner sat in a private corner creating their own bubble. Sam and Steve suckered James into drinking games at the bar. That left Okoye keeping a watchful eye on her King and Queen as Nakia dragged T'Challa to the dance floor. And Shuri was stranded alone with two of the most stubborn people ever, practically begging M'Baku and Nora to get on the dance floor.

"You two were seriously made for each other. How do you go to a club and not dance?" Shuri looked between the two exasperated by their lack of willingness to enjoy the moment.

"Well in my defense, I was half bribed, half threatened into coming. Plus I don't get in a dancing mood until the liquor gets me feeling more mellow and not self conscious."

At that, the waitress sat Nora's third margarita in front of her. She thanked the girl and started to sip slow knowing that the alcohol was bound to kick in soon.

"And I am here to ensure the Jabari's place in the future. I do not see how this does that." M'Baku was not exactly lying, but he also wasn't telling the whole truth. He was concerned that this so called fun left everyone to their own devices, including him. He did not know how to act in this society without some guidance. But what scared him more was that he was alone with his love and didn't know how to dance which would help in his pursuit to woo her.

"Would it kill you to have at least SOME fun? Gah! There's no use, you're basically a wall, now Nora on the other hand should be pliable to my requests by now, yes?" She looked at back at the girl, noticing how she had started to sway to the music indicating that the the alcohol had finally taken affect.

Nora looked up like a deer in headlights and Shuri knew this was the perfect time to get the girl on the dance floor. She grabbed her by both hands pulling her to the dance floor and dancing around her making it clear that the only way out was to join in.

It had been a long while since the last time Nora danced and she truly did miss it. Having been a dancer since she was three, it was usually how she blocked out the world and shook off unwanted emotions. But being on the compound with prying eyes constantly on her made this the first plausible opportunity in almost three months. Laughing at Shuri's antics and realizing that she did need this, she slowly let loose.

Pulsing to and fro, changing movements with the songs, Nora became the center of attention. It was surprising to say the least, but her group was absolutely shocked. Well everyone except Natasha, since she had watched how she navigated their kitchen.

Nora kept up with the dj, dancing away all of her worries. Several guys tried to keep up but couldn't until the music slowed down allowing one to come up behind her placing his hands on her hips as she swayed.

"You know for a fat girl, you dance like the skinny bitches I usually go for."

And just like that, her bubble burst.
M'Baku had watched her move across the floor gracefully and skillfully. This was just another thing to add to his confused list. How can someone so in tune with their body hate it? She obviously knew what to do and sometimes her movements showed him a glimpse of the warrior she could become. And it all turned him on making it hard to watch her both figuratively and literally. Yet, he could not look away for he wanted to stay under her enticing spell.

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