Chapter 5

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"Now that I have your undivided attention.."

In this moment Nora began to wonder how in the hell she even got here. He had barely touched her, but she wanted so much more even though she knew he was going to make her pay. He knew what he was doing and had no qualms exuding dominance over her.

"My love, why do you keep running and hiding from me? Do I frighten you? Disgust you? What is it about me that makes you run?" M'Baku kept up his assault on her senses by lightly rubbing circles on the outside of her thighs, while breathing on her core as he spoke, letting his scruff graze her inner thighs every now and again.

Swallowing her arousal as best she could, Nora tried to pay attention so that this could be over with sooner rather than later, at least that's what she told herself. "I umm...I umm, can you please stop doing that? It's uhh, very, mmm, distracting," she stuttered out.

M'Baku was enjoying her lack of control too much to grant her wish, so he hummed a bit as he shook his head no slowly, ensuring she felt both. "Answer the question love. Or do you need a blindfold to help with your current focusing issue."

"No!" Taking a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves she pressed on "Um no, I think I can, umm, do without the blindfold." Another breath, "and the answer to you-your question is that you make me feel safe."

M'Baku looked up at her curiously at that unexpected answer.

Nora stuttered on, "I um, have never felt so safe with someone so quickly before, especially a man. You uh make me feel protected and loved and I'm scared of it, this, whatever THIS is...because, everytime I get close to someone they get ripped away from me. Or worse, they betray my trust." She started to sniffle, burying her head in the crook of her arm.

Kissing her inner thigh, he pulled himself up to hover, grasping her face so that it was turned to him, "Do not do that intyatyambo yam. Do not hide from me. I want to share every emotion you have, good and bad." He bit her lip causing her to open her eyes and gasp out a moan. "I am here love, let me be here for you."

"No," she stated, pouting like a petulant child. "You don't get to do that. I don't want this, us. It's too much too soon. You can't expect me to just jump into a relationship with you." Even though I really want to. Fuck I really need him to just take me and stop playing these games! But then I won't want to let go. I need to run. I need to get out of these cuffs, why the fuck did I let him put me in cuffs?

Thankfully he could see and feel right through her lie. Leaning down and whispering in her left ear, "So you want to ignore our connection?"

"Yes, yall'll be leaving soon anyway. There is no reason to start something when it will need to end soon anyway."

"Are you sure about that my love?" He kissed behind her left ear, dragging his lips down to her collarbone and across to the right side, pulling a low moan from her.

Nora's breath began to become erratic and labored as she tried to fight her building lust. "Ye-yes."

"Even if there is obviously something there to be explored?" he asked as he tugged on her right earlobe with his teeth, then licking from behind her ear back down to her collarbone stopping to hover above her breasts. "Even if there is a building heat, begging to be released?"

He looked into her eyes as wave after wave of her lust washed over him. She felt herself opening her emotions to him and whimpered in response to the way his piercing gaze pulled each desire from her and into him.

"I can feel your needs, let me take care of you sithandwa sam," he breathed on her lips, waiting for her consent. She said yes with her heart before her mind responded, but as soon as she nodded M'Baku's lips crashed to hers making sure she knew how he felt.

Grasping her chin, he kissed her like she was water and he was a dehydrated man just barely surviving the desert. He breathed her in like only she could provide the oxygen he needed to survive. Nibbling on her bottom lip as if it were a decadent fruit, licking and sucking as if she was a fresh ice cream cone on a hot summer day. He devoured her and she relished in it, in him. His control over their dance providing a relief she had only briefly tasted before.

Pulling away slightly she gave in to her desires, "M'Baku, I need to feel you. Please." She whined and moaned wiggling beneath him yearning to feel all of him against her.

He chuckled at her actions, responding while rubbing small circles on her hips, "Quite needy, are we? As much as I am enjoying your begging, you need to be aware of my rules. If you do not obey and be a good girl for me then you will be punished and I am sure you do not want that, eh?"

"No, I'll be good, just please, more. I want more." Nora breathed out in a rush, her lust effecting her ability to think about anything other than cumming. It has been so long since the last time she had sex or masturbated, but M'Baku was steadily unlocking her pandora's box that she swore she had sealed.

M'Baku grunted his acceptance and moved back down to rest in between her legs. After pulling off her underwear, revealing her arousal, he kissed and lightly nibbled his way up and down her inner thighs, going at an agonizingly slow pace. "Today you are going to learn what it feels like to give yourself over to this, us. You may fight it all you want, but I am not going to stop until I feel everything you have been hiding from, hiding behind, and hiding away."

His words made her wimper, but his eyes made her mewl.

As he pinned down her legs with his arms, opening up her sacred flower, M'Baku leaned in to first smell her arousal. "So sweet you smell." Swiping his tongue from her hole to her clit pausing briefly to suck it in, "so decadent."

He had her. A few more swipes of his plush lips and she was going to be his personal creamsicle.

But, being the dramatic tease he was, M'Baku decided that this was the opportune moment to get up from his spot.

"Where do you think you're going Baku?!"

"To shower. I have not had one yet today and need to before I sleep."

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Nora asked in an angry tone, looking down at herself incredulously, that gave away how sexually frustrated she was.

A small condescending smirk leaked through as he gave her a curt, "No." At that M'Baku walked into the bathroom, leaving Nora handcuffed to his bed, dripping from the bare minimum contact she had with his devious mouth.

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