Chapter 6

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M'Baku may have looked calm, but internally he was burning with not only his desire, but hers as well. Nora may have seen his move to the bathroom as torture but he was saving them both from bursting into flames from the fire currently pulsing in his veins. He'd felt lust and desire before, but never to this extent.

It was Nora. Whatever sexual cravings she had were breaking out of her self imposed jail, and it was mixing with his own. He felt otherworldly with how it was affecting him, like Hanuman himself had come down and taken the reins of his libido. He had to get control over himself or he was going to scare her.


After a long cold shower he sauntered back out in nothing but a pair of black silk pajama bottoms that hung low enough to reignite whatever emotions Nora had momentarily pushed back down. M'Baku was suddenly thankful for T'Challa's recommendation for sleepwear as it worked in his favor, semi hiding his arousal and igniting hers.

Getting back into position at the apex of her thighs he sighed into her, his breath ensuring that she was in a state of awareness. "Are you ready to stop trying to control the situation and give yourself over?"

Fed up with his teasing, she let out a growl, "Would you just shut up M'Baku?! I need to cum so stop dicking around unless you intend to do so inside of me!" Nora barked back in frustration. "Just fucking uncuff me and make me cum!"

M'Baku let out a deep belly laugh. "That does not answer my question, but I rather like your answer," M'Baku said with amusement lacing his voice. Checking the tightness of the cuffs,"I think I rather like having you in the cuffs, it ensures that the running issue you seem to have, won't be a problem. However, you get distracted too easily so I am adding the blindfold and the only thing keeping me from gagging those beautiful lips is the fact that this is our first time together and I want to hear you scream. But make no mistake, that little outburst of yours will cost you." He got off the bed to get a piece of leather from his traditional cloths, coming back to wrap it around her eyes gently, a misleading action to throw her off.

And that it did.

Nora was not prepared for the immediate onslaught to her pussy. In a swift motion he had her legs on his shoulders, ass molded to his hands to push her further into his face, and ate her like a starved man. He licked from her weeping hole to her pulsing clit in a figure eight motion. Everytime he worked his way back up to her clit, he flattened his tongue so that he could ease just the tip in, creating an indescribable sensation that seemed to take her by surprise each time despite his steady pace. She didn't know how long he had been patiently repeating those simple motions, but he did not stop until she was cumming, his dedication to her pleasure setting her off. After that it was easy for him to pull one right after the other, prolonging each orgasm long enough to create a new, more powerful one each time. By the time he engulfed her clit and lapped up her nectar at the same time, she was unable to stop her screeches of pleasure.

He had broken her dam.

When she finished her third orgasm brought on by only his mouth he switched things up by focusing his tongue on her clit in a fast paced flicking motion. Inserting his forefinger and middle finger, he heightened the experience by contradicting his tongue with a slow come hither motion. Pulling away, he replaced his tongue with his thumb and held her writhing body down with his left forearm.

"Look at you opening up for me, intle yam entle. And your juices, mmmm, I could feast on you for an eternity and never yearn for another drink or morsel. Do you have one more in you? For me?"

Nora was so far gone into the web of pleasure that he had created that all she could do was hum in response.

"That is not an answer love, I need words."

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