The field

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It's a bright warm day in summer and the harvest just begun. This was an exciting time for us Potatoes. It was the time for happiness and the time for hope. It was the time for peace and the time for death. Although difficult for a human to understand the main goal of a potato during his life span is to ensure the survival of a species regardless of the species. God made a few types of living creatures on earth. Each creature had a certain function to it and this was hardwired into every single living creature to accomplish. These overwhelming urges were natural and only designed for givers. That's what potatoes were. There are givers, destroyers and bivariates. God had made these three forms of life in order to keep life on earth going. God made me, fruits, and other vegetables givers. Our job was simple. Givers' tasks are to bring life to people by being eaten. Our only concern is to keep the world going by sacrificing our lives. Anything that was made to sacrifice itself in order to keep life moving on was a giver. Note however that some givers are not aware that dying is their main purpose. For example a cow or a deer are foods that keep life on; however, cows nor deer are willing to let themselves die for others. God made them that way so that they could have a chance to grow and reproduce since they're not as plentiful as grass or fruit. The destroyers are like our enemies. Though God created them in order to sustain life. It might seem strange but they are a necessary part of life. The destroyers come in many forms and their instinct is to destroy. A destroyer would be something like a bacteria that kills people or a virus. They are necessary because if the world was only filled with givers and no destroyers the population of the animals we try to keep alive will grow exponentially. Too many animals means that there will never be enough food for them and eventually they will starve because they will be overpopulated. Their numbers will eventually go down but then they will overpopulate again and the cycle will repeat. To counter this God made destroyers. Their job is simple. Destroy things. The last group of living creatures that God created are called bivariates. They are unique cause a Bivariate doesn't have instincts like Givers or Destroyers. A Bivariate is a living creature that has instincts only to sustain its existence. They can also choose to be a Giver or Destroyer. God made humans and a few other creatures Bivariates. Bivariates can sometimes die for others like a Giver or the can live life like savages and destroy and ruin other people's life's. God, however made it different for Bivariates than Givers and Destroyers. Unlike the Destroyers; who won't be punished for doing what their purpose is, a human will be punished when they die for choosing the life of a Destroyer. Humans are unique because they are given free will; however, God wants them to do things that resemble Givers. The humans receive an award at death if they live a righteous life unlike us. It's actually simple. A Giver does good because that's all it can do. A Bivariate who does good receives the best award cause they can choose to be bad but don't. God feels that something that chooses to be good is better than something that must be good. It is this reason that God has left humans with a paradise after death. Though if a human chooses to be a Destroyer then they'll be consequences. A human that acts like a destroyer might go to a fiery pit known as hell. He does this in order to add balance to the world. Just as he created Givers and Destroyers to balance life he created paradise and hell to balance life after death. Someone who lives life righteously, even if their existence is miserable will receive credit by going to paradise when he or she dies. It works similarly if you're bad; however living like a Destroyer will only cause you to go to hell. God also sent down certain people known as 'prophets' or 'messengers' these people are all different, but God made religions all to worship him. He tried to make religion peaceful and each one unique because if there was only one religion the message of peace couldn't appeal to everyone. Amongst these religions are Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity and many more. All appeal to different people but their function is still the same... to live life similar to a Giver and to obtain peace. Thus as a Giver I would await and there would be a long journey headed for me as I hoped that my journey would end with the warm delight of being cooked and eaten. The warm wet tongue coupled with the rhythmic pounding of teeth cutting through my skin was what I was hoping I'd be able to see and feel. A human can't understand the feeling. Though I've always imagined that the feeling a human gets when they've first had sex and orgasmed was probably close to the feeling I got. Although mine must feel way better. After all, my end is death and I look forward to it. I can't wait to die. I've always wondered why humans were afraid of death. Usually humans are so confident with their beliefs. Humans even get paradise after they die and I get nothing. As soon as I die I enter complete darkness and my life is over. Yet I have no fear, but humans have fear and they're afraid. Oh well, I shouldn't dwell on trying to understand humans. I don't think it was The Creator's intention for me. I am positive that The Mighty Creator deliberately made me incapable of comprehending what humans want. Night is beginning to approach. I should go to sleep so that I'm super charged and ready to grow faster in the morning. After all I'm positive that the potatoes that grow the fastest are the first to be devoured sometime soon I hope.

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