Chaptet 11

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Bryce POV//

It the next day after Blake stayed and Addison is on her way to collect her, I honestly still felt bad about everything that happened yesterday. I got Blake dressed and she looked so cute!

 I got Blake dressed and she looked so cute!

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^what blake looks like^

I then hear addisons car pull up so I zip Blake's bag closed and carry her out to Addison.

Bl: mama •reaches for her•
A: hey bubba •takes her•
B: uh bye Blake •kisses her head•
Bl: bye dada •waves•
B: addison it would be nice if you at least made eye contact with me
A: •looks up and rolls her eyes• what do you want Bryce
B: look I know you might hate me but we still share a daughter so a bit of communication would be nice
A: fine, can I have her stuff?
B: yeah here...•passes Blake's bag• and for your information she slept and ate good
A: that's good to hear! When do you want her next?
B: I don't
A: huh what do you mean?
B: addison have what you want, you clearly don't want to share her do you? so keep her, take good care of her like you always have! call me when you need college funds
A: Bryce I don't understand why you are doing this, yeah I'm mad at you but don't do this to blake! I thought you loved being a dad
B: yeah well maybe I don't
A: w-what
B: it's stressful addison, really stressful I don't understand how you can do it but I'm not ready for all of this yet it's too much
A: whatever Bryce, have a nice life •walks away with Blake•

Addison POV//

I couldn't believe Bryce said he wasn't ready to be Blake's dad like one minute he is ready and the next he's not, I don't understand. Tears rolled down my face driving back to my place, poor Blake was babbling about her daddy but little did she know she was never gonna see him again.

I pulled up to our apartment and I carried Blake's in with her stuff, I turned the tv on and placed her on the couch before unpacking her bag. Bryce had folded up all of her clothes really nicely but I noticed her swimsuit wasn't in here, they must have used it and forgotten to put it back in once it had dried. I put her dirty clothes into the laundry and then made her a some lunch, I just made some toast and put it into a bowl and gave it to her but she was refusing to eat it.

A: come on blake eat your lunch
Bl: no •turns her head•
A: why not?
Bl: like dada
A: what like dada, it's just toast
Bl: in dars(stars)
A: what are you talking about? Dada and stars? Just please eat your toast
Bl: noooo •cries• dada dars(stars)

It then clicked Bryce must have made her toast and cut it into shape of stars so now she's refusing to eat it normally as she liked it to be star shaped.

A: you want your toast cut like stars?
Bl: ya
A: ok fine hold on

I went back and tried my best to cute her toast into star shaped and once I gave it to her again she immediately ate it.

A: better now
Bl: •nods•

Bryce POV//

I watched Addison drive away with Blake and I was going to miss her but I knew this decision was best for me and Blake. I wasn't ready to be a dad just yet and Blake's deserved a dad who could be the best of his ability which just wasn't me. I walked back into the house and the boys had obviously just woken up.

J: you ok buddy?
B: I guess
N: what happened? Did Addison stop you seeing Blake?
B: no it was me
J: what do you mean you?
B: I told Addison I wasn't ready to be a dad and that I should stop seeing blake
N: but I'm so confused you love blake
B: yeah I loved her but I wasn't the best for her
J: Bryce blake was so happy here with you, the whole time she was smiling or laughing
B: I know but I'm just not ready yet
N: I support you but think about it, do you think addison was ready to have a baby when she fell pregnant with Blake? Absolutely not but she had to be ready because that was reality! I understand it was all spring on you so quickly but in some situations you have no choice but to be ready

When Noah said did make complete sense, addison wasn't ready for Blake but she stepped up and had to be ready, why was that any different for me now? Although I can't be a good dad to Blake right now, I'm 21 still in my party animal stage, Blake and Addison deserve better.

Addison POV//


It's been a month since everything that had happened with Bryce and I couldn't handle this anymore, Blake is misbehaving so badly and all she keeps asking for is daddy which I couldn't give her. In some ways I regret telling Blake that Bryce was her dad because now I'm paying for it.

Right now I was trying to explain to Blake that we can only swim in my parents pool not daddy's pool but she wasn't having any of it.

Bl: me go dada pool •choking on tears•
A: Blake no we can't go dada's pool only grandmas pool
Bl: DADADA •cries•
A: Blake please, please just for one day can you go without having a tantrum about daddy. I'm trying my best! •tearing up•

I decided enough was enough, I'm going to bryces with blake, to try and sort something out. I took blake out in my car and we drove to bryces, my this point we were both crying I was crying because I was so overwhelmed and felt like I wasn't good enough.

Once we got to Bryce he obviously saw me pull up crying because he came staring out to my car, I got a still crying blake out of the car as he approached me.

B: Addison? Addison what happened? •comforts her•

Bryce POV//

I saw Addison pull up crying hysterically with a screaming blake in the back of the car, I immediately run out to make sure they were okay and Addison cries into my arms.

B: Addison? Addison what happened? •comforts her•
A: •crying• I can't do this anymore Bryce ever since everything happened all she has been asking for is you! All she wants is you Bryce I try my best but I'm not good enough. Today she wanted to go swimming but not in my parents pool only in yours, she cries every night when she goes to sleep for you Bryce.

This broke my heart, I didn't realise how much this had effected them, the thought of blake crying for me as she goes to sleep in so sad and leaving addison to deal with that is horrible o felt so bad.

B: shhhh it's okay, I'm sorry addison so sorry I didn't think about yours and Blake's feelings.
A: please Bryce just let her spend some time with you •crying•

I let go of Addison and open the car door to see a crying blake but as soon as she sees me her face changes.

Bl: DADDY •reaches for him•
B: hi baby •picks her up and cuddled her•
Bl: dada weave(leave) me
B: I'm sorry baby I'm never gonna leave you again

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