Chapter 16

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Bryce POV//

Today I wanted to see Blake, it had been 2 weeks since I last saw her and I missed her. I didn't care what addison said she was still my baby as well, Riley was going to be here as she lived with me but I couldn't care less what addison thought about it. I decided it would be more efficient to call addison instead of messaging her.

•on call•

Addison: bryce?
Bryce: hey Um can blake stay with me tonight?
Addison: depends is Riley there?
Bryce: yeah she lives with me she isn't going anywhere
Addison: then no sorry
Bryce: I'm still her dad you know
Addison: I'm aware and I'm her mom and I'm not letting her near a psychopath so either you get rid of Riley tonight or you come here and take her for lunch or something up to you
Bryce: fine I will take her out to lunch, I will be there at 11
Addison: fine by me
Bryce: see you in a bit
Addison: see ya
•end call•

Uh she was so annoying, I wasn't going to let this happen forever but it will do for today. I got ready and then Riley tells me she made breakfast so I head downstairs.

Riley: hey
Bryce: hey ryls
Riley: so what are you up to today
Bryce: oh I'm just taking Blake out for lunch
Riley: really? Can I come?
Bryce: sure but don't tell addison
Riley: oh I won't
Bryce: ok then sure, I'm picking her up at 11
Riley: ok well I'm almost ready

I was gonna bring Riley, she deserved to come, she could just wait in the car whilst I grab Blake therefore addison would never know.

Addison POV//

Blake was spending the afternoon with Bryce and coming home later, I told Bryce as long as Riley isn't there then I'm happy for him to take her. Blake had been so sweet lately, like cuddly and very attached to me, she never spoke about Bryce anymore which was sad in a way but maybe she just doesn't know what to say about him.

I had already gotten her dressed for today as it was almost 11, I packed her bag with a bottle in case she wants to nap, her blanket and everything else she will need etc. I didn't know if Bryce was taking a stroller so I figured I would ask him when he got here. Speak of the devil someone knocked on the door, I knew Bryce would be early, I answered it.

Bryce: hey is she ready
Addison: yeah but I just need to get her shoes on
Bryce: ok fine shall I take her stuff and stroller to the car and then come back for her?
Addison: yeah the stroller is just in the hallway, I will be in the living room

Bryce took down everything and I tackled Blake to get her shoes on, she then insisted I carried her so I did and she would not let got of my neck. I walked to the door where Bryce had just returned to.

Addison: ok she's ready, bye Blakey.
Blake: no mama •holds on tight•
Addison: yeah you are going to spend the day with daddy
Blake: no mama
Addison: daddy missed you and you are going to have so much fun
Blake: winky(pinky) •holds out her pinky•
Addison: of course •interlocks pinkies and shakes them• right have fun •passes her to Bryce•
Bryce: I will drop her back around 3
Addison: ok call me if you need anything
Bryce: will do •walks away•

I didn't know why she wasn't happy to see Bryce, usually she is but maybe she's just tired.

Bryce POV//

Blake clung onto Addison like I had never seen before, it was like she was unhappy to see me but after a bit of convincing she clambered into my arms. We said goodbye to Addison and then she hung onto my neck as we walked to the car.

Bryce: so how's Blakey?
Blake: wood(good)
Bryce: that's good, did you miss me?
Blake: mhm
Bryce: you don't seem so excited, cheer up Riley is in the car.
Blake: Wiley(Riley)? •looks scared•
Bryce: yeah Riley she's so excited to see you
Blake: nooooo •looks back• mamamamama
Bryce: Blakey everything is fine, Riley is nice she isn't going to hurt you I promise I won't let her even if she did •rubs her back•
Blake: hmph otay

I didn't expect Blake to react like that, I don't know why she was so scared of Riley, addison had probably told her bad, untruthful stuff. We got to the car and I strapped Blake in.

Riley: hey Blakey
Blake: hewo •scared a little•
Bryce: sorry she is a bit grouchy
Riley: aww it's ok

We arrived at the place we were having lunch and there was a swarm of paparazzi, this wasn't going to go down well, I got Blake out and she placed her head on my shoulder and Riley came and grabbed my hand.

Paps: Bryce, Bryce I thought you weren't allowed Blake? Are you and Riley dating? Does Addison know about this? Are you mad at Addison?

The list went on, I just ignored them trying to focus on getting my daughter away. We reached the restaurant and the waitress took us to a table, I got Blake a high chair so she could reach the height of the table, she was still grumpy though. We ordered food and Riley was asking Blake questions and she just ignored them, I wasn't going to have her be rude!

Bryce: Blake stop being so rude to Riley she's done nothing to you
Blake: I go hwome (home)
Bryce: why we just got here, at least try eat your food
Blake: hmph

We ate our food well most of Blake's ended up on the floor which I wasn't very happy about, she was just doing it for attention so I chose to ignore her and not give her what she craved for. We payed and headed out, the paparazzi had gone so it was quiet.

Riley: bubba what shall we do now
Blake: hwome •turns her head from Riley•
Bryce: I'm just gonna take her home she obviously isn't happy
Riley: ok then

Addison POV//

There was a knock at the door and I couldn't think who it was, it was only 1pm so it wasn't Bryce dropping back Blake yet. I get up and open it and my eyes meet with a very stressed Bryce carrying a screaming, crying Blake

Addison: woahhh what happened?
Blake: mamamamama •grabby hands and cries•
Addison: •takes her• Bryce!
Bryce: she's been like this since we left the shops, all she wants is you addison
Addison: shhh baby it's ok mommy is here now •rubs her back•
Addison: well is she hurt?
Bryce: no she was just in the car
Addison: but I thought you said she was at the shops?!?
Bryce: no I went in, she was in the car
Addison: so you left our 1 year old in a car by herself? •mad•
Bryce: no Riley was with her-


Brook speaks
Oop cliffhanger,
Addi is gonna be

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