The Right Thing

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"I've cursed us

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"I've cursed us."

Grandpa Novak had muttered these words 50 times since Anna crashed to the floor of the Millstreet Bar. "My crooked ways have finally caught up to me. Heka has sent the wrath of 1,000 spells."

"Dad, would you stop it?" Josef replied. "We don't know what's going on yet!"

"Can't you see?" Grandpa Novak said with eyes so wide, you'd think he saw something no one else could. "Anna falling was allegorical. Oh, Heka!"

Josef dropped his head into his hand and rubbed his temples. "Oh, God."

The entire Novak family was huddled in their usual place for important meetings, the kitchen. They were still at the Masschester farm and had not stopped discussing why their magic wasn't working all week. It was the only topic anyone in the family cared to talk about. Except for Anna. She got up from her seat and flipped the kitchen sink water on. A fractured arm in a cast and sling wasn't going to stop her from going about her day.

"So, what are we thinking for dinner?" Anna asked the family.

Maria's eyes lit up. "Maybe our magic stopped working because June made that man spit up those lizards. What if he cursed us?"

"I don't see it. He was clearly one of the unknowing," Henry replied.

June rolled her eyes. "Solid theory, Maria. You're really connecting dots over there."

Anna grabbed a dirty pan with her healthy arm and aggressively waved it in under the running faucet, causing water to splash everywhere.

Josef jumped to his feet. "Let me, dear."

Anna backed away from the sink and let Josef take over dishwashing duties. "I saw a few ribeyes in the freezer. What do you think, kids? How about your dad grills them up later?"

"What if this all has something to do with that blood moon we saw in Dyersville?" Henry asked.

"We're not practicing black magic. There should be no correlation," Josef replied.

"How about those ribeyes?" Anna asked again.

"Blood moon," Maria pondered. "Maybe you're on to something, Henry."

"Dad is right. There shouldn't be a correlation," June said.

Anna growled as irritation crawled up her body like a fearless spider.

"No, no, no, it was me. I cursed us!" Grandpa Novak hollered.

"I don't think it's a curse. I don't know what it is. There are not many old stories about broken magic," Josef said.

Maria's eyes lit up again. "Maybe grandpa's right? One too many stolen—"

"Can we stop talking about the damn magic not working for one minute!" Anna shouted. "Maybe no magic is a good thing."

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