The Decent Stretch

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Delwick sat down next to his flight gate

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Delwick sat down next to his flight gate. "I don't know how we got out of there alive."

Cherry sat beside him. She waited for a cheerful family who were just starting their vacation to pass by before discussing what took place in the tunnels. "You're telling me. Can't wait to get back home. Mission is over. Time for a nice long break" 

"Maybe go see a certain somebody?" Delwick nodded toward a flight board that had the date on it, August 1st.

Chery smiled from ear to ear. "That will be a part of my itinerary."

"He's a good kid"

"He needs someone to look out for him. He's been through... so much."

"He has." Delwick found himself still pondering something Cherry said. "So, The Chain gives you a break after missions?"

"Oh yeah, we only take on missions we want. I made enough extra cash off this assignment to last me months."

"I got 9 other cases sitting on my desk right now. My captain is already barking at me about a missing yeti and how I have to track her down. 9-foot ape roaming around the Himalayas, can't wait."

"I'm sure The Chain would consider your application," Cherry said with a chuckle.

"Not a chance," Delwick quickly piped back. "I'd rather work 100 hours a week than let the unseen run rampant."

Cherry couldn't hold back her eyes from rolling. "It was a joke. You wouldn't last a day in The Chain. All that trust. What would you do?"

"Very funny. Be careful with all that trust, it might come back to bite ya."

Cherry pulled her hair back and put it into a ponytail. "Anyway, let's not ruin a good moment."

"Yes, of course. It was a productive trip." Delwick leaned back in his seat and reminisced about their encounter in the tunnels. "I'll tell ya, when we were surrounded by all those ghouls, it was frightening. But it sure was a thrill. I suppose, on some level, that is why we do this. For the thrill."

"I suppose. It made me sad too. Seeing all those starving creatures. The anger from both sides. For what? Over something that happened centuries ago? Because they don't agree on every little thing?"

"It's a bit silly, huh? Ready to die for a cause that seemed to be buried under nothing but anger."

"Silly, sad, something." Cherry ran her hand down her ponytail as she thought about the ghouls and sorcerers. "You're right. They were all ready to fight for what? Couldn't they just find a middle ground?"

Following a brief period of silence, Cherry and Delwick both turned their heads toward each other in near-perfect synchronization, almost as if choreographed. As their eyes met, they realized that their conversation might not just apply to the ghouls and sorcerers.

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