Fade to black

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Please tell me if there is any grammar errors or spelling errors.
A computer virus has built armies of robotic soldiers and taken control of our world.
But there is still one place where we can be safe:
The domed city of Corinth.
And the only hope we have left is...

Power Rangers RPM! Get in gear!
Power Rangers RPM! We stand together!
Power Rangers RPM! Get in gear!
Power Rangers RPM! Get in gear!

Power Rangers RPM! We stand together!
Power Rangers RPM! Get in gear!
Power Rangers RPM! Get in gear

*Storm's Pov*
The attack bot grew to be a 26 story version of itself. "Dr K we need our Zords!" Scott said through the coms. "Guys call in your Zords." Summer said to us. We each grabbed a card that had a Zord image on it. "Call in Zords!" We are all said throwing the card. The respective Zords came and took their respective cards. The wolf Zords let out a howl once we pointed to the attack bot. The Drago Zords went up and came back down again. "Let's do this!" Wyatt said gently grabbing my arm making me turn to face him. "Let's." I said before turning to the Zords. "DragoWolfSnakeDire Formation!" I said as the said Zord types joined into a Megazord. The cockpit had us standing up (Similar to Dino Charge, Ninja Steel, Samurai and Dino Fury Ranger's cockpits.) "Storm. You lead this one." Willa said as she stepped off her podium and I stepped off mine. We high-fived as we swapped places. My old podium turned Red once Willa stepped on it and hers turned Black once I stepped on it. "Let's do this thing." I said smirking at Wyatt who was currently now on my right. We took him down but every time we swung our legs us wolves swung our legs out more than the others because us wolves are more flexible than the others are. The Zords disassembled and we held out our hands as the card teleported into the palms of our hands. We stuck them away in our pockets before running up to the car and it's driver and passenger.
Summer was thanking the driver when soldiers came up. Us Beast Force got a bit scared thinking it was for us. But they got the driver and passenger who said his name was Ziggy Grove. They scanned the driver who we found out his name is Dillon and found out that he isn't Generation 7 Ilfitration bot. "Before you drag my ass somewhere. Please look after my sister. She's been out for a week. Nothing has worked to wake her up. I've tried everything." Dillion said to us before us wolves nodded. The soldiers took them to jail while Ziggy yelled out. "I'm not with him! He just kidnapped me!" I just rolled my eyes. Scott carefully took out the girl who looked about twelve or thirteen years old and carried her bridal style to the hospital.

Five hours later.

*Scott's Pov*
We were waiting to see if the girl Gwen I think her brother said her name is to wake up. She was so pretty. I think the wolves might know that I have a crush on her. Wyatt don't go telling everyone please. Or Wynter. Or Willa. Or even Storm. No wolves tell anyone I don't say can know. Storm was pacing backwards and forwards so much Wyatt had to restrain her. She was right now sitting on his lap. A doctor came out to tell us the news. "Well I have good news and I have bad news." She said. "What's the good news?" Flynn asked. "The good news is that she is awake. She would like the one or ones who brought her here to come in. She is fine. Healthy seeing how you did say her brother ran the Venjix barrier and made it with her and another guy. And that by the sound of things been out in the desert for a few years. She is remarkably fine. But she does need food and water." The doctor said. "What's the bad news?" Storm asked. "Well I wouldn't call it bad news. She has anesma. Do any of you know what anesma is?" She said then asked. The wolves put up their hands. "Yes."
"It's were they lose their memory." Wyatt said wrapping his arm around Storm's waist. "Yes. She can't remember anything about her childhood years." The doctor said. "You all my go and see her." The doctor said. We all enter and see Gwen sitting up on the bed. "Hi. Were you all the ones that took me here?" She asked. "Yes. We did. Your brother asked us to. We would have anyway." I said to her. "Do you remember what you may need?" Zara asked her. "Well food, water and gas. But I'm not wanting to go somewhere and then just leave." She said. "Well I'm Scott Trueman. This is Summer Landsdown, Flynn McAlister, Storm Watts, her three soulmates Wyatt Lykensen, Willa Lykensen, Wynter Barkowitz. These are our friends Mal, her sister Val, Val's boyfriend Jay, King Ben Mal's fancè, Harry Hook, his girlfriend Uma, Gil but we tend to call him Gogs, Gog or Gogy, Carlos De Vil, his girlfriend Jane, Chad, Addison, her boyfriend Zed, Bree, her boyfriend Bonzo, Bucky, his girlfriend Zivia, Zara, Zara's girlfriend Eliza, Evie, her boyfriend Doug, Lonnie, Dwight, Emelian Lykensen, his girlfriend Gretta, Gretta's cousin Chlodwig, Storm's annoying cousin Gordon. And Wyatt, Willa and Emelian's brother Wesley Lykensen." I said pointing to each one in turn. "Nice to meet you all. I hope to get to know you all." She said.

*Storm's Pov*
"Well I'm Scott Trueman. This is Summer Landsdown, Flynn McAlister, Storm Watts, her three soulmates Wyatt Lykensen, Willa Lykensen, Wynter Barkowitz. These are our friends Mal, her sister Val, Val's boyfriend Jay, King Ben Mal's fancè, Harry Hook, his girlfriend Uma, Gil but we tend to call him Gogs, Gog or Gogy, Carlos De Vil, his girlfriend Jane, Chad, Addison, her boyfriend Zed, Bree, her boyfriend Bonzo, Bucky, his girlfriend Zivia, Zara, Zara's girlfriend Eliza, Evie, her boyfriend Doug, Lonnie, Dwight, Emelian Lykensen, his girlfriend Gretta, Gretta's cousin Chlodwig, Storm's annoying cousin Gordon. And Wyatt, Willa and Emelian's brother Wesley Lykensen." Scott said pointing to each one of us in turn. "Nice to meet you all. I hope to get to know you all." Gwen said.
Then she said something that only us wolves could hear. "Especially you Scott." She said. "Well we better let you get some rest and something to eat." I said smiling to her. "Ok. See you tomorrow?" She asked. We all nodded. "I believe we better see how your brother is going in prison." Wyatt said. "Oh no! What has Dillion done this time?" She asked us. "Nothing. I think. He has robotic hardware detected in him so they took him there for questioning." I explained. "Oh. Well I can answer that. He was being experimented on by Venjix. I wasn't as he saw nothing good for me. Venjix was going to erase all of my memories but he only got my childhood ones. I remember having an older sister. She was. Blind! Dillion tried to help her escape but. We were caught. He hardly remembers anything about her. Only me. And that he was meant to protect us." Gwen said sadly. Scott stayed there for a bit as we went to go see Mr Cyborg. I keep trying to tell Gordon that just because he has robotic hardware that doesn't mean that he is a cyborg.
In the jail
Col. Truman interrogates Dillon.
"So you know that you have robotic hardware detected in your body but you don't know how it got there?"
"Pretty much." Dillion responds. I look over at Wyatt who was currently shooting metorphicle dagurs at him.
Summer asks to speak to him privately.
"Look I'm telling you guys the truth. I don't know who I am or where I'm from." Dillion says. And Summer says she doesn't care where he is from but does care where he's going, returning him his watch. He just looks suprised.
"Wait! Before you go." He says making us all turn around. "How's my sister?" He asks. "She fine. She needs food and water in her as she was dehydrated and starving. That's why she wasn't waking up. She's particularly skin and bones. Like my Auntie Joan." I said to him. His shoulders once tensed up were now much more relaxed. "As long as she's fine, ok and happy. I am." Dillion responds with. Meanwhile Ziggy charms the guards with his tall tales and then the guards multiply... Ziggy doesn't shut up to the point that the guards are gone. Flynn and Scott are really not all thrilled with Dillon, believing he is all machine and shouldn't be trusted. Doctor K explains he has super implants inside of him so he's just more stronger than the others. Us wolves could easily still beat him through. Ziggy's not loved in the jail, having enemies already. He does try to convince Dillon that they're a team and to bust him out. The convicts bully Ziggy. This gets on Dillon's nerves and he defies the boss. Dillon beats them all up. Us Rangers are then impressed by what Dillon can do, via surveillance video. Then us Rangers come and offer him to join the RPM team. After introducing ourselves. He doesn't seem at all bothered by the fact that six of us are werewolves. He lets out a small laugh. "That all depends. Do I get to choose my own colour?" Dillion asks and he looks at the chains wrapped around him. Oh just wait until he finds out. We then got to the hospital to tell Gwen the news. "Hey Gwen." I say as I see her trying to walk only for me to have to catch her. "Hey guys. I'm still trying to walk. How's Dillon?" She said. "He's fine." Wyatt held out a Series Operator Pink morpher. "Dr K would like you to join our team. Your brother is hopefully going to be The Series Operator Black Ranger." Wyatt explained as I helped Gwen sit down on the bed. She looked up at as and over to Scott. She smiled as she picked up the morpher. "Yes. I will become a ranger. I'll help you take down Venjix." She said.

Fade to black chapter is done! Yes!
Maybe once every two weeks guys. It's nearly the end of the school year for me. I'm also in Year 8. So. See you guys. Bye. It's Morphin Time. Link to Morphin grid.

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