44: He's scary

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I saw..

Mum and dad's pictures that were crossed...

Y/n pov:

I was above confused, What's this? I furrowed my brows in confusion. I took a deep breath and continued looking through the pictures.

But my parents where the only people I knew that were there, Did that mean..He killed them?

I walked over to a desk, it had so much paperwork. I looked through his drawers and containers, everything.

I looked through the drawers until I found my pictures? My fucking pictures were inside the drawer since I was little, I knew something didn't add up.

I gasped as I heard the door opening, I quickly hid under the table. This reminded me of what I did with Boris..

"Who the fuck has been here?!" I heard H/n/Damien slam the door harshly. I bit my bottom lip hard so that I wouldn't make a noise.

I could only see his feet, he was slowly walking towards the wooden board, "Hmm.." He said deeply. "What rat could have done this?" He said, He was fixing the crooked picture of my dad.

He smirked as he scanned my dad's picture, I whimpered at the sudden silence, He kept quiet in his spot. I squinted my eyes and covered my mouth with my hand.

Why was I scared?


He whispered huskily in my ear causing me to open my eyes widely. When did he see me? When did he come this close to me?

He got up and waited for me to get up whilst he was crossing his arms, I slowly got up nervously and faced him. I also wanted to ask him about my parents.

"Care to explain?" He said with a brow up, "I-i was curious that's why I came here, I was also looking for y-you" I stuttered.

"Did you go through any of my personal stuff?" He asked suspiciously. "N-no" I replied, at this point it was obvious I was lying.

"Doesn't look like you weren't, truth. Now" He demanded. "Okay fine, I did! I went through all of your stuff and I saw my mum and dad's pictures crossed also, You had pictures of me when I was little!" I shouted.

"Now, you explain!" I yelled at him, his eyes darkened, His jae clenched. "You looked?" He whispered dangerously.

I slowly nodded, I felt hot right now. "Y-you killed the-" I was cut off by Alessandro entering the room. "Dude, how are you going to tell her you cheated on h-" He stopped when he saw me.

"Y-y/n?" He gulped. My eyes widened, my mouth parted. I looked back at H/n/Damien who was glaring towards Alessandro.

"H-he what?" I said surprised, this must be a joke. H/n/Damien told me hed never cheat on me ever again. "Uhh..nevermind" Alessandro smiled walked to the door.

I walked rapidly to him and grabbed him by the arm, "Tell me. Now" I said breathing heavily. Alessandro looked at H/n/Damien and quickly left closing the door behind him.

"You cheated on me?" I said laughing. If this is true, I'm divorcing him, if I can. He nodded emotionlessly. "What? How can you be such a prick! You don't even say sorry at least!"

"I cannot believe what you did i-"

"Not only one, a bunch every single night" He said looking at me with no emotions.

I gasped, a bunch? He isn't even feeling sorry. He isn't saying sorry, I can't anymore.

"W-we, i-im divorcing you.." I said disappointed. He shook his head in a 'no' slowly. "I am! I will, I won't stay here with a crazy bitch like you!" I shouted.

"It was when you were kidnapped, get over it. I was drunk" He said rolling his eyes. What happened to him? Where was the guy that cared for me?

"W-what? How could you say that! How? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm divorcing your fucking ass. I've had enough! I can't take it anymore!" I cried.

He chuckled as I cried, "H-how did you change? We were so happy.." I cried louder. "You went through my stuff, but there you go. You found the truth"

"Yes, I did cheat on you, I killed your parents, I kept photos of you when you were 16" He admitted emotionlessly. "You did all of these things? Wow, I'm definitely leaving you!" I sniffled.

He walked closer to me making me whimper as I slowly walked back. "Awh, how about we have some fun?" He said smiling.

He was back, back to his old self. "N-no, leave me alone you crazy fuck!" I shouted as I bumped into the wall. "Not very nice of my pretty little slut to speak like that" He smirked.

"What happened to you? Y-you're back to your old self.." I said disgusted.

5 more steps forward and he was right infront of me, pinning me against the wall.

I turned my head to the side not looking at him, but without knowing I gave him full access to my neck. I felt his warm breath on my neck before he liked the side of my jawline.

"N-no, leave me alone!" I shouted trying to push him away but he wouldn't budge. He pinned my hands above my head and continued his work.

He started going down to my neck. "Stop, please stop!" I shouted. I closed my eyes tightly as he bit my neck harshly.

"Dude, seriously?" I heard someone say before grabbing H/n/Damien off me, I breathed heavily trying to calm myself. I looked to see Atlas.

He saved me. "I'm done!" I shouted before crying and running out.

End of chapter 44, thank you for reading! Stay tuned for chapter 45. I'd like to let you know that the book will end very soon! :)

Do you think this book will have a sad ending or a happy ending?

Why is H/n/Damien acting like this all of a sudden?

Thoughts about Atlas?

Words: 1018

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