58: Officially home

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I watched H/n/Damien talking with someone on the phone whilst that bitchass Ella was recording stuff on her book, the boat started moving.

How will I survive with Alessandro?

Y/n pov:

The boat started moving, the boat that h/n/Damien and Ella were in was infront of us, Atlas was sitting and watching the ocean, Alessandro was..

wait I don't even care. "So, are you happy that we're going back?" I asked Atlas whilst I watched the fish swim by, "I guess, but if we do there will be lots of fights and drama" Atlas replied.

I sighed thinking about what will happen when we go back, "Can you try calling Jasmine? She hasn't been answering any of us" I asked Atlas.

"I've called her so many times too, she doesn't answer, I've called her about 4 times today" Atlas replied. "Alessandro is such a prick" I rolled my eyes before looking at Alessandro who was writing on his office book.

"My God, y/n all he wanted to do was protect Jasmine, nothing else, he already likes Ella" Atlas said sighing.

"You know I can hear you, right?" Alessandro asked looking up at me, "Does it look like I care?" I replied rolling my eyes. Alessandro went back to writing whilst me and Atlas continued talking.

Back home:

"This is all your fault!" I shouted at Alessandro, Ella stood there awkwardly as she watched everyone fight.

"How is it my fault? All I wanted to do was to fucking protect her and keep her safe, but now they're dead so there's no need for us to stay together!" Alessandro shouted back.

"What do you mean? Are you fucking crazy? Jasmine has changed so much that I didn't even know it was her at first!" I yelled.

"H/n/Damien she's your stepsister!" Miss Cherylne yelled at H/n/Damien that was storming upstairs, Me and Alessandro were fighting.

Miss Cherylne and H/n/Damien were fighting and lastly Katie and Mr Mark including Atlas were also fighting, when we heard yelling upstairs we froze.

H/n/Damien sounded so mad, "Are you fucking dumb!?" We all heard him shout with so much anger as we heard afew things drop on the floor and break.

We rushed upstairs rushing in Jasmine's room to see..

another guy..he was shirtless, Jasmine had dyed her hair blonde, she had no bra on but she did have a shirt on, she had dark circles under her eyes, her room was filled with rubbish, her hair looked like it wasn't brushed in months.

"I'm fucking old enough to make my decisions, you don't get to control me or my life!" Jasmine shouted but this time, it sounded weird.

This didn't sound like the girl I knew, Ella was downstairs with Atlas who was trying to calm her down, she was also very nervous from all the shouting and fighting.

"Jasmine..?" I asked shocked, she looked at me, her eyes darkened as she started breathing rapidly, "Oh, my bestiest fucking friend!" She yelled straight at my face.

I gasped knowing that this wasn't her at all, "Oh wow, you're pregnant!?" She yelled looking at my baby bump, "Jasmine please-"

"Please what? You can have him, him!" She yelled pointing at Alessandro, "This guy better get the fuck out of my house!" H/n/Damien shouted glaring at the guy.

"No! He's my boyfriend!" Jasmine yelled standing infront of him. "No he isn't, you've been hooking up with a guy every night" Katie said rolling her eyes.

"Shut the fuck up!" Jasmine yelled before she threw her lamp across the room making it shatter. "That's enough!" H/n/Damien roared before he walked rapidly towards Jasmine.

He grabbed her by the wrist and began dragging her out of the room leaving us confused and worried. "Jasmine, I beg you listen to me" I said walking rapidly behind her.

"Alessandro, get that guy out!" H/n/Damien shouted before he opened a door to a room, he threw Jasmine in before he closed the door making sure to lock it.

"Open the door, open the fucking door!" Jasmine yelled banging on the door. Everyone walked away except for me, I was genuinely worried about her.

"Open the fucking door!!" She yelled as loudly as she possibly could..

What is happening?

End of chapter 58, I'm so sorry for updating so late!! I've been so busy with school lately that I just couldn't update, I totally forgot too, sorry guys, stay tuned for chapter 59 and thanks for reading!


Favourite food?

Favourite singer?

If you could meet anyone in the world, who would you meet?

Words: 784

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