oh no!!

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It's been a while since you started working with Jungkook on that project and you have to admit you do feel some kind of way towards him but you refuse those thoughts
thinking about your love Yang you are just confuse between what to do and what to not so you are just trying to hude these thoughts by overworking yourself. so in present you are sitting in front of your parents grave

"hii mom dadI hope you both are doing good" you said placing the flowers you bought for them "you know my life is so hard without you both but also that Yang encourages me to keep going I am so grateful for you both to fix my marriage with
him and I have decided to marry him after few months and I have decided to surprise him on the other hand that Jungkook guy I don't know what his intentions are but I feel
weird around him like my heart would beat extremely fast and my stomach do flips wheneverI hear his voice but I don't want to cheat on yang he has done so much for me.
he even fights with his parents for me so l have decided to focus more on yang as that will help me in not getting distracted by Jungkook so I have to go now I will come to
meet you both soon by I love you'you said and left the place while wiping your tears as you sat in your car driving to your home

directly as you took a day off to spend
sometime alone well you wanted yang to be with you but he said he is busy so you thought having your time with yourself is not a bad idea tho . you entered your home as a
deep sigh left your lips. you walked towards your room changing in some pjamas and a big hoodie soon you were done so you went down grabbing some milkshake and snacks
for yourself from the cabinet and headed out to you living room. you sat their and opened the TV watching your favourite K-dramna
while having your own time.

(Meanwhile JK)
"let's go Jungkook we haven't hang out since along" Jackson said trying to convince the younger one have stopped going out to hang
out for some reason which they didn't know "Jungkook come with us I promise we will come back soon'Jimin said whinig "ok ok fine let's go'Jungkook said making both of
the man happy as they jumped around "Jungkook I want you to come to my company afterwards"Mr. Jeon said as they left the house to his company guess the old man didn't even get much rest not even on
Sundays "come now let's not take much time"Jimin said as they three drove to somewhere (ldk). "Yang today is the last chance"Mr. Yang said

"I know dad don't worry leave it all on me"Yang said smirking as he hide something in his pocket signalling
the gaurds to start their work "what about- " will manage about him dad just trust me l won't let this beautiful chance to slip from our hands"Yang said as Mr.Yang smiled at his son proudly "this is the day I had
prepared you for"Mr. Yang said as he left the place to a old alley as he wore his cap "let's go back home"he said to the driver as he drove off from their "let's get it"Yang said "yahhhh jungkook-ah what is wrong with
you? you are always out of the world?"Jimin asked while sipping his coffee "are you in love Jungkook?" Jackson said smirking
making the youngers eyes widened "that means you are really in love"Jimin teased him "'no hayung I was just thinking about dad he has been working now a days too much.
after mom he is the only one whom I had and I can't see him like this"Jungkook said "awwww my boy has become obedient hmm"Jimin said squeezing his cheeks

"then you should take the position of CEO jungkook and let your dad relax" Jackson making Jungkook nod "'yeah I guess I will do it sooner after this project"he said as he got a call "hello.... what are you talking
about?...oh no.. which hospital...I am
coming their wait for me......ok"he cut the call as he was panting heavily and tears was visible in his eyes "Jungkook what happened?"Jimin asked with concern "d..dad"he said as he got in his car and drove away without replying to Jimin as they
both too followed him. (after sometime) Jungkook finally reached the hospital as he saw his uncle their "Uncle how this happened? where is dad? is he okay?"Jungkook said while crying his heart out "he is in ICU don't worry everything will
be alright" his uncle said and hugged him in order to comfort him as soon as doctor came Jungkook rushed towards " doctor how is my dad?"Jungkook asked with
trembling hands "he doesn't have much time left and he is calling his son"Doctor said as he looked down and went away Jungkook rushed in hus father's cabine "dad"he said
crying "son come here"Mr. Jeon said as Jungkook cried looking at his dad's state

"can you do me a favor my son?"Mr. jeon asked as Jk nodded "work at Ms. Choi's company for me"he said making Jk's eyes widened "but dad- "please do this for me please my son"Mr. Jeon said as JK nodded

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