let's fight together

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he felt his heart break into pieces he couldn't bare seeing you like this you were the last thing he was alive for or else he would have died when his dad left him alone in this world "Iwill do anything to make you live
happily"he mumbled and sat beside you  holding your hands "just promise me you won't leave me"he said and softly kissed your hand waking you up. you opened your eyes slowly only to see a pale faced Jungkook and that's when you realised what
happened earlier as you started to move around the bed trying to get up "Y/n" he called out but you didn't cared "Y/n stop"!! he said again "Y/n fuckin stop tell me what happened?"he yelled as you felt tears rolling down your eyes "I want him back he can't leave me Jungkook he can't please get him back to me I can't live without him he is my everything Jungkook please'you cried making his eyes tear up too he wanted to tell you the truth about that bastard but didn't
had the courage after seeing you like this

"he doesn't loves you Y/n forget him'Jungkook said as you shook your head not wanting to accept the truth "he loves me Jungkook he does I know he must be doing some kind of prank he can't leave me he promised he will be with me he is my last hope to be alive Jungkook'you said and that's what scared him your words he wanted to tell you about your cancer but he knew you wouldn't want
to fight with it

"Y/n please look at me"he said
softly holding your chin "accept the faith Y/n. he may have left you but you have me l will be by your side just don't give up"'he said with tears you were confused why he was crying
but you knew he genuinely cared for you his concern was shown through his eyes "Jungkook" you whispered as he hummed "what has happened to me?"you asked making him shocked about how do you got to know about it "how-"Just tell me Jungkook You said "y...you.have.c.c..cancer Y/n'he
tried his best not stutterer but failed you just chuckled after hearing him

"then it's good" you said bitterly making him afraid "'no please don't do this Y/n please"he cried not caring about anything "why you don't want
me to go Jungkook? it's better then being alone in this cruel world"you whispered "who said you are alone? I am here with you standing just right behind you please fight for me Y/n please"he sniffed "I don't have any strength Jungkook'you whimpered "no please I will be your strength I love you Y/n l really do after my dad you are the only thing I am alive for if you will leave me too then I will die Y/n. i can't lose the last person who
keeps me going"he confessed his heart out making you feel guilty for someone reason

which maybe you knew "you love me
Jungkook?"you asked making him nod his head looking down at your hands as he grabbed it "I know you don't love me Y/n nor i want you to just fight the cancer for me
please Y/n I promise I won't leave your side coz we both know how much it hurts to lose someone you love please Y/n just do me this
favor"he begged holding your hands tightly afraid to let go but hou didn't answered him making him understand "I know it's hard Y/n
take your time and think about it I will accept whatever your decision is'"he said as he let go your hand standing up he was about to
leave the room "where are you going?"you asked "I am going to doctor to ask about the
operation and treatment'he said "ok'you replied as you saw him leaving making you sigh 'what have you put me in god how am  suppose to do it'you thought feeling your
eyes heavy up again as you drove in a deep slumber

(meanwhile Jungkook) "how much
will be the cost doctor?"he asked "it will $ _______"(fill in the blank by yourself about 🙂)i am ready to pay whatever you want doctor just please treat her cancer"he said "look Mr. Jeon we will try our best but it's
only possible when the person herself wants to get rid off it she needs to fight and put effort from her side too we cant totally depend on the operation"'Doctor said making
Jungkook sigh for the hundredth time "how many chances is it for her to survive?"he asked blankly "it is 80% chance that she can survive if she puts efforts to or else it's less than 50% chance that she will survive only by clearly said operation'Doctor
honestly knowing the latter's condition and feelings " i
know in what state you are Jungkook and being knowing you since long I know how hard it is you have lost your parents in this hospital only and now their is one more person close to you. i had tried my best.everytime and I will try my best this time
too'he said with a small smile "Thanks
Dc.Jung'he said

"it's my pleasure Jungkook
you just have to make her realise that her life is important for her and you after that I will handle"he said showing off his signature smile as Jungkook nodded and headed out
of of the room to see Jimin with some
polythene perhaps filled with food "How is Y/ n now? What did the doctor said?"Jimin
n asked "Y/n is okay now but she still can't forget Yang and she doesn't wants to fight for her life doctor said it's only possible to efforts when her
she puts save too"Jungkook sighed god knows how many times "don't worry Jungkook"that was all
Jimin could say to him "come lets eat and give give Y/n her food too"Jimin said and took him inside Y/n's room so that three of them can eat they entered and saw you looking
towards the window "hey Y/n" Jimin cooed as you turned towards him "hey Jimin'you said softly " how are you feeling now?"he asked " I am doing much better" you replied
"come lets eat"he said

(No one POV) "So what about our plan love?" Miya asked "oh you will know it soon baby just keep an eye on them till I am back and yk what you have
to do"?? said (Ik my series must be boring now but it will comr back on track just wait)

To be continued

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