Start of a new journey

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"You can be discharged today Ms. Y/n"the doctor said with a smile looking at Y/n's reports "thank you doctor"Jungkook said and smiled towards the doctor before
looking at you "we can finally go home"'he
said to you (After discharge) "Y/n you go
rest in your room and I will make something
to eat"Jungkook said packing your lips as
you smiled and went towards your room
their you saw your mom dad's photo "I will
take my revenge mom dad"You said before
plopping down on the bed taking a deep
breath trying to control your tears "You broke
my heart Now I will break your dreams. THE
REMEMBERS'you thought and smirked soon
after Jungkook came inside with a tray full
of food "here baby let's eat"he said with a
smile "aish koo you could have called me
down'you said chuckling "No that is not
happening I will take care of you like a
baby"he said with a stern look as you hit him playtuly Ok ok now eat'he said 'you feed
me'you mumbled thinking he won't hear it
but you were wrong "ok my baby"he giggled
and took a spoon full of soup he blowed a
few times and then placed it in your mouth
"Jungkook can I ask for something?"you said
gulping the soup down as he frowned "if it's
again about going to company then I am not
allowing you Y/n'he said coldly making you
pout instantly "Please koo'you showed your
puppy eyes "those eyes are not going to
work"he stated "Please it's been so long
since I haven't went to company. i don't even
know what's going on their. i want to achieve
father's dream Jungkook please
understand and moreover I am all ok now so
what is to worry about. You will also be their
to take care of me is anything happens'you
completed making him sigh "ok as you
wish'he said making you throw yourself on
him instantly "but I have one condition'"he
said coldly "what is it?" "you will work only for 4 hours"'he said making you sad but you
nodded anyways "can we go meet mom
dad?"you asked "ok but eat fast"he said
frustrated as you giggled and started eating
quietly (After sometime) "get ready'he told
you as you went to your room and took out a
formal dress putting it on along with light
make up you grabbed a pair of Snickers to
get along "i am ready koo'you said heading
downstairs looking at him wearing a normal
black shirt with a leather jacket and pants
"handsome'you mumbled as he chuckled at
your reaction "take a photo it will last"he said
setting his hair as his statement made you
come out of your imagination as you fake
coughed a few times "l am also done let's
go'he said opening the door and taking his
car keys as you both drove away from your
house it was a peaceful silence in the car
with his hand on your tigh caressing it
lovingly "you miss them don't you?"he asked
as you nodded "don't you miss them?"you asked him back as he sighed before replying
"yes I miss them alot.I was such an unlucky
child who couldn't even see his mom and
nor couldI protect my dad"he said with tears
as you placed your hand on his shoulder "life
may not be easy but we can't stop living
right'you said feeling bad for him "yea the
story must go on"'he whispered and again
focused on driving "How am I suppose to do
it god help me'you thought. "here we are"he
said stoping the car as he stepped out and
came towards your side to open the door
you said him a small "Thank you" and went
towards your parents grave with him besides
you "I am going through so much papa
eomma but look your princess is not giving
up and I will never give up. I will show you
papa what you thaught me was worth it"you
said crying silently as Jungkook patted your
back "I don't know if I could make you proud
of me. I was so wrong about Yang he left me alone appa he broke me apart'you cried
harder as Jungkook hugged you tightly "shh
it's ok you are doing great look. Even if that
idiot left you. You are here more stronger
than yesterday to look forward to your
future. Just forget the past it's ok"he calmed
you down "come lets meet my appa and
eomma'he got up and went to his dad's
grave "hey dad long time no see. Since you
leftI am jumbled up and don't know if what
am doing is correct. You told me something
before you left this world and I am still
solving that mystery and as Y/n is mine now
it would be easy for me to get to my goal"'he
said to his dad and smiled "l am soon going
to make him your daughter in law dad. I
hope you are happy with mom and are doing
good don't worry about me l am also doing
alright"he said and got a call "I will be back"
he said to Y/n and left in the meantime Y/n
got a call too ""she
said with eyes wide open and mouth agape

to be continued

Unexpected (j.jjk ff) || Completed||Where stories live. Discover now