truth untold

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i looked at the big door seeing the cops coming inside with two people miya and Yang . wait what is yang doing here with police? then I looked at Y/n seeing her smile brightly looking towards Yang that's when I
felt my heart break into million pieces "You are under arrest Jeon"the cop said cuffing my hands "but what's his crime?"Jimin hayung asked as I was just numb to even say a single word in my defense "he has killed ms. Choi and Mr. Yang's parents along
with Mr. wang"the cop said "but you have no proof against him"Jimin defended "we do have Ms. choi and Mr. Yang as our victim and one more man who clearly admitted that Mr. Jeon sent him to kill Mr. Yang's
father"the cop explained and Jimin was left speechless he knew what the cop said was right so their is no way he can save Jungkook now "Jungkook don't worry I will get you out of jail soon'Jimin said as cop took Jungkook with and he followed behind

(meanwhile Y/n) i felt so relieved after getting that fucker arrested. Now finally my revenge was over I can live my life in peace. i looked at Yang who opened his arms for me
as I ran into his embrace "i missed you'you said "I missed you more baby"he replied and kissed the top of my head "should leave?"the priest asked "no you have to get someone married"Yang said as you gave
him a questioning look and he nodded making you smile fondly "finally we both can get married"You said and went on the stage to stand besides the priest while facing Yang

(after vows) "you may now kiss the bride'the priest announced as soon as Yang pulled you in a loving kiss but something felt wrong yet you shrugged it oft enjoying the biggest
moment of your life "I love you" I love you too'and your new journey starts with the love of your life. "let's go home"he said and took you in his car after you had some chit-chat with your friend Miya. "Yang'you mumbled as he hummed while driving "do
you think what we did was right?"you asked thinking about Jungkook "definitely baby a murderer should be behind the bars "he said
as you just nodded

(after sometime) "you go get ready okay"Yang said in a teasing
get manner with a smirk as you hit him playfully and blushed "pervert'you mumured before
going inside the washroom as you started taking off your makeup and accessories you looked in the mirror as the painful doe eyes of Jungkook came in your mind making you
feel guilty unknowingly "whatl did was right? he looked heartbroken? did he really loved me? but Miya said he is just acting. why do feel guil- you were cut off from your your thoughts after hearing the knocks of door
"baby are you done?"you heard Yang say as you replied back with a "coming" once you were done with removing your makeup and
changing in your nightwear you went outside to see him looking outside the window as you went and back hugged him making him startle "you scared me"he said turning around to face you as you said a soft "'sorry"
after he pecked your nose he tugged a hair behind your ear "beautiful" he
strand mumbled making you blush instantly he bend down to capture your rosy lips with his as it soon turned into a makeout session
"are you ready baby?"he asked as you
nodded shyly he took you to bed and (they slept . get your unholy ass here I need to spank it 🥰🙂) Next morning "Jeon Jungkook got arrested for murdering the Yang Yang got companies CEO and wang companies
chairman. he is punished to live the next three years in Jail. Mr. Park tried getting him bail but the proofs were stronger"the report said as you looked at the TV with teary eyes you don't know why but you felt bad for doing that to him "hey baby"Yang said
coming towards the couch with two cups of coffee and a bright smile which turned into a frown after seeing your teary eyes he placed
the cups of coffee table and bent down to why your level "heyy love what happened? why are you crying?"he asked softly caressing
your tigh you couldn't answer and jumped into his embrace making him almost fall back but he balanced. he softly rubbed your back "I feel so guilty for doing that'you sobbed making him understand what you
were talking about "it's not your fault baby don't cry over that jerk"he said and kissed your neck "forget about him now we are doing a new start so don't let the past ruin it"he said breaking the hug and wiping your
tears off "let's drink our coffee or else it will be cold"he said

(meanwhile Jungkook) "I
CHANGE INTO HATE'he growled with tears

To be continued

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