nothing seems fine

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With that he left your office making you happy as you took him as your secretary "you are fighting hard Jeon. your life isn't that easy to live. i hope you can make it'you said to yourself looking at his disappearing
figure "i will do this Y/n and know everything about you. it's hard but let's make it"Jungkook thought to himself too as he left from the company driving back home

meanwhile he gota call "Jungkook we
caught himJimin said making him smirk "I am coming"he replied with a sarcastic voice "first one boom"he growled shooting with his fingers as he drove to Jimin's house (Y/n POV) "I don't feel well today let's get
back home'you said and packed your stuff walking out of your company as wel "why does I feel something wrong is going to happen'you thought but shrugged it off as you went in your car driving off to your destination too. soon you got their as it was
a beautiful place with flowers all around it was your favourite garden which relaxed you. you came here before going home as this place gave you peace and you usually came here with your father. you are so much
connected to this place! you felt the cold breeze blowing through your hair as you.sighed in relief from the stress soon after you got up walking towards your car finally going back home.

(meanwhile JK) "here we
go done'he said looking at the dead body "did he told you?"Jimin asked "ofcourse he did! he had to'he said and told Jimin to clean the mess "one step closer to that bastard"he said as he cleaned his hands with tissue paper and left for his house. after
an ride of a few mins he reached his home getting out of the car as he unlocked the front door "home sweet home"he mumbled taking off his shoes walking towards his to
take a hot shower relaxing his muscles. after he was done he went in his dad's room looking at the big photo of his father hanging on the wall "I miss you dad I should have helped you when you were alive. you
took care of me as a mom you are an
superhero for me and now I am ready to do everything for you. i know it doesn't sound good but I will do it. i know I am too late to know your value I wish I could protect you
like you did to me in every point of my life. today I got job in Y/n's company as you wanted and I am also searching for that bastard uncle told me about.l will find what is Y/n to me"he said and went near his dad's
closet opening it he saw his clothes and a file "what is this?"he asked himself and opened it seeing the most enchanting thing in his life. "pregnancy report'he mumbled
and smiled remembering the day his dad must be so happy knowing he is going to have him "I miss you both so much and today I can relate my life to Y/n"he said chuckling as he opened a few albums of his childhood seeing the happy family he had which he never valued at that moment but now that's the most precious thing to him when it's gone how stupid of him right?

but no one can fight against
god's will. he was continuously
admiring the photos with tears in
his doe eyes he couldn't believe
that this alll happened but he is a
strong boy and is going to
everything for the both of them
and that's how he fell asleep
living those memories again in
his dreams

(Next morning)Jungkook wake up and
realised that he was still in his dad's room with the photo album laying besides him as he got up and walked towards his room getting ready for his day. he saw the time and it was already (6:30) as he quickened
his pace and ran to kitchen while setting his tie he took a toast and apple running to the front door he took the keys from the keyhanger and got inside his car driving in full speed as he cursed himself "wtf Jeon
you can't be late on your first day. such a lazy ass"he mumbled as he got to the company running towards the cafeteria to make you a coffee and then finally in your office "huff"he sighed as soon as you entered inside "morning Ms. Choi"he said
"morning Jeon not late today hmm'you smiled as he handed you the coffee "so let's had to work'you said taking your seat as you opened your laptop

(meanwhile) "what did you just do idiot"Mr. Yang yelled "what??"Yang said as he sighed "umm don't
worry dadI can fix it Yang said "but how?"

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