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Y/n knew she was asleep, she knew she wasn't dead, and she knew she wasn't in L'manburg. A pain in the right side of her head had been bothering her for the last few hours now as she tried to sleep. She didnt want to have to look at her capturures.

The small room that she had been locked in had barred windows, a bed and a small sink, and she had been left there all night. She didnt even know when she had been taken, one minute Will was stoking her hair and softly singing her to sleep, the next she was awoken to see a shovel come down to hit on her head, knocking her out cold.

Opening her eyes slowly, she looked around at the building she was in, before hearing a voice.

"Dream, she's awake" said the loud British voice.

George. He was sitting on a chair on the other side of the room, watching her sort of creepily. Y/n sat up and bring her hand up to her throbbing head. She was shocked to find it had been carefully wrapped in bandages, but when she pulled her hand away she saw blood that had seeped through the material on her fingers.

"Sorry 'bout that" George said, catching he attention. Y/n scoffed and shook her head in frustration.

"Yeah, sure you are. You're a real hero, aren't you" she said, not meeting his gaze, although she could tell he was smirking.

"Don't think I wanted you to get hurt. We just needed you-"

"-Here" came an all too familiar American accent. "We needed you right here with us! Hope you enjoy your stay" he said enthusiastically, but Y/n could tell he didn't mean it.

Dream walked into the room, eyeing his prisoner up and down before taking a seat next to George. He had his mask on as usual, the coward, and green hoodie and jeans. Although she could not see through his mask, she could almost invision his expression.

"Well what do we have here?" He said sarcastically "the Princess if L'manburg, is it? Bet you love being their little poster girl"
Y/n scoffed and took a seat opposite them.

"At least they don't keep me as a prisoner" she said, earning two glares from the men. "And at least i actually have some friends now, and some freedom" Dream laughed at her and shook his head.

"Dumb girl, you think that they want to be friends with you?"

"Well, I think otherwise. I'm glad it was me take and not them. Besides, why would you take me and not Wilbur or Tommy?" Dream and George glanced at each other, before Dream continued.

"We took you, my little princess, because you are the one who can make L'manburg suffer the most. You are the one who can pull the revolution apart."

"But Will is the leader, why not take him?" She asked as she leaned back and crossed her arms. Although she was trying to hide to, the pain in her head was causing her to face in and out focus. 

"Well, your little boyfriend-" he began, making Y/n want to yell at him so bad, but the pain in her head wouldn't allow it. "-is too easy to take, besides then he will ask Tommy to just take over. Wilbur cares too much about you that he will come running to save you, meanwhile we can go and destroy L'manburg." Dreams smirk broadened "so you see, you are our biggest weapon"

Y/n listened in shock to his words as he planned for her to be the bait that would cause the fall of L'manburg. He was right, Wilbur would come after her, and then Dream would strike. She just hoped that they would have some sort of back up plan if he did.

"So I am just bait?" She said, clearly annoyed and with little patience. Dream nodded and laughed at her pain. He could tell that her head was hurting, making his face turn sour with annoyance.

Out of nowhere he lunged foward and seized Y/ns jaw to hold her head still as he look at her wound. Y/n clenched her jaw in pain as he pressed is hand onto her skull.  When he took it away she could see the red stain on his hand.

"Hurt, does it?" He said evily. Y/n didn't reply. Her head was aching and lips trembling. "Come on George, let's start preparing for her friends arival"

"No! Don't hurt them please, leave them alone-" but it was too late. They had already locked the door, leaving the girl on the floor.

After the two men left, Y/n could finally reveal the pain that she was in, screwing her face up and laying down on the bed and hugging her knees.

She couldn't believe her situation. She was in pain, locked up in a cell and was about to be the reason why the people who she loved the most lost everything. She never though that after 7 years in nearly this exact position would she be back here again, although she was now the enemy.

Only the night before she was laying on the couch with Wilbur, running his fingers through her hair and singing her softly to sleep. His soothing voice quietly letting the words run off his tongue. She had never felt safer.

Now she was vanurable. Feeling scared and in pain, finally she releced the tears. Although she was crying loudly, no one could hear. No one could comfort her and tell her that everything was going to be ok. Over the last few weeks she had realised how desperately she had needed someone to cry on, and for them to calm her down. More and more tears rolled down her cheeks, and she finally realised no one was coming.

She was alone.

Last night, just before Wilbur had gone to bed, she remembered telling him something. He was climbing up the ladder, and she had told him something that had made him stop and smile. It was a happy fraze, one that seemed to be a very comfortable thing for her to say to him, but only him.

At first she couldn't remember, but then it came.

"Love you Wilbur" she said out loud, although she knew no one was listening. She simply said it to re live the happy memory. Although she didn't love him in a romantic way, he was possibly the most special and kind person in her life, and she treasured their friendship dearly.

She did love him.

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