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"Down with the revolution boys. It was never meant to be."

Y/n felt almost instant pain as bubbles of poison hit her skin. She let out a cry of pain and saw her skin had become red and inflamed, but that wasn't her main focus.
Wilburs weak body was on the floor, bleeding heavily, and she could see him trying to silently mouth something, but couldn't.

After being shot with that arrow, Y/n already knew that he was on low health, so the exposure to the poison took a very heavy toll on him.

As a son as her vision came back into focus she ran over to him, bumping into the cackling Eret. He was already making his way out of room. Her eyes followed him, ending up on Tommy and Tubbo who were limping out towards the surface. At least she knew that they were going to be ok, but it was a different story for Wilbur. He was laying very still on the ground not far from her with large bruises on his legs and arms from the poison.

"Oh Will" she spat out with panic ripped through her voice, but he let out no reply. She ignored the pain the was surging through her own body and knelt down beside her friend. His eyes had glazed over  ever so slightly, but he wasn't dead. Y/n knew though that he was pretty darn close, maybe on half a heart.

Now that everyone else had left the room, she felt more comfortable to show her emotions, and even though her main priority was the man on the floor, she did not try to hold back a few tears that ended up escaping.

Reaching for her small bag that she kept around her waist, she felt in to feel for a small flask or pink liquid.

"Oh come on, it's gotta be in here somewhere" she muttered to herself, before letting out a sigh as her hand left the bag carrying the glass bottle.

Slowly she placed her hand under Wilburs head and upper back to lean him up onto one of her legs whilst she almost cradled his head to position him so she could tip the patio down his throat.

Y/n had never seen Wilbur like this, so weak and vanurable. He was always the strong and stoic leader who would come and nurse her, but now she was holding him in her arms whilst he was on one heart or less. She ran her hand through his hair, looping it around her finders and unknotting nots, whilst the other shaking brought the glass to his mouth.

At first nothing happened. This stuff was healing potion! It helped her, why not him?

"Come one Will, wake up" she said as her hand that was previously holding the flask reached down to hold Wills large hand.

But still nothing.

She was scared. Wilbur had already lost one of his lives to a mob the other, he couldn't afford to lose another this fast. A tear fell from her eye and another 10 seconds of unconscious Will passed. She hugged his head close to her chest as more time passed.

But suddenly she felt a pressure on her hand. Then a fierce shudder in his body.

"Y/n! Nooo!" Came a very quiet but desperate sound from his voice, as if reliving the moment of the betrayal.

Y/n lifted her head and sniffed in the tears.
"I'm here Will, I'm ok" she said though sniffles. "You're ok too"

Wilbur finally got back his contiousness and sat up. He looked dazed but alot better than before. That potion did work.

He stayed silent for a moment, and flicked his eyes over to Y/ns. She could see the happiness in his expression. There was no pain or anger.

And as for him, seeing her eyes bright and beautiful as always made him feel ten times better. He was contious to know that this person saved his life almost certainly, and with no warning threw his arms tightly around her, placing his hand on the back of her head.

"Oh my fucking god Y/n" was all he managed to get out. Y/n smiled and hugged him tighter.

"Don't scare me like that again man, o thought you were dead!"

Wilbur laughed and pulled away.
"I thought I was too, but thanks to my princess in shining armour I am not!"

Y/n looked down at the small glass fkask she had thron across the floor in panic. "You know if it wernt for you I couldn't have saved you" as she handed it to him as a momento.

Wilbur looked puzzled.
"I thought you drank this! For your head!" He said quite astonished.

"Well, sort of. I had a little bit cause I knew my pain wasent the worst thing in the world. Besides, I knew with how clumsy you are that you may need some" she said grinning.

Wilbur shook his head and laughed.
"Oh Y/n I love you" he said jokingly, although he did add some truth into it, hopefully not enough for her to notice.

Y/n laughed too.
"Oh I love you too man" she said as she stood up with a grunt and held Wilburs arm to steady him.

"Now, if I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure there will be a very angry gremlin child outside." Wilbur said with a smile as he limped out holding onto Y/ns arm.

Hiii sorry I have been so long to update. It has been hectic with Christmas and stuff and covid being a dick so yeah um hopefully more uploads soon.

Love you all

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