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Korean food has been my favorite since I was a child, and I finally eat in this Korean restaurant for the second time. The first time I ate in this Korean restaurant was 2 years ago when my family was still rich. My father took my whole family to Bangkok. We were taken around to eat at well-known restaurants, including this Korean restaurant. I still can't forget the taste of that Korean roasted pork with vegetables. It tasted so good.

I clearly remember how it tasted, because I really like Korean roasted pork. Dad had promised, if there was a chance, he would take me to eat at a Korean restaurant again. Unfortunately, after that our family experienced financial difficulties, so now eating Korean food is just a dream for me.

That day, when P'Phu helped me cut the vegetables, for some reason I remembered Korean roasted pork, since it reminded me of how to eat it. I had to wrap the pork in vegetables and eat it. I kept chattering about telling P'Phu about it, and didn't expect that he would remember it and treated me to a meal there.

P'Phu is really kind, he helps me roast the meat, making it easier for me to eat. Furthermore he still talks normally to me, no hint of flirting or hitting on me at all. After finishing our meal, P'Phu immediately takes me to the tavern and follows me to my room. Actually there was no problem. He and I are both men, plus this place belongs to him. And more importantly, I trust P'Phu, he doesn’t seem like someone who wants to sleep with me.

"N'Thai, get some rest. Thank you so much for dining with me as a friend." After escorting me to my room, P'Phu immediately says those words to me. But why did P'Phu thank me, when I’m the one who went to eat for free.

"Thank you too for what Phi has done for me, I should be the one thanking P'Phu khrab."

"I should be the grateful one, since my friends couldn't accompany me when I wanted to eat something. And now N'Thai has accompanied me as a friend, so I'm very happy."

"Oh, if you need a friend to accompany you to eat, feel free to contact me, Phi." I tell P'Phu happily. Accompanying to eat is the same as eating for free, I really like it.

"Eu… that's good. So later I'll take you out to dinner, as a friend again."

"Yes, Phi. If I'm free, Phi shouldn't hesitate to contact me."

Yes, just eating together. As long as it's limited to a senior and junior relationship, nothing more than this, I don't need to reject it, right?

"Okay, N'Thai has agreed, right, later I will invite you to eat again. So, today I’ll go home first, N'Thai can rest."

After speaking, P'Phu bids goodbye. So I walk him all the way to the front of the elevator.

"See you tomorrow, take good care of yourself, get plenty of rest."

“Khrab, thank you so much Phi.” I quickly tell P’Phu to get into the elevator.

When P'Phu is gone, I walk over and plop down on the sofa then start pondering. P'Phu is a very nice person. To be honest, if I don't think much of it, being liked by a good and perfect person like P'Phu, I should be happy right? And I think if P'Phu continues to be good like this, it won't be difficult for me to open my heart to him.


That night is another night I don't have the usual dream. I'm not sure why, but I really feel relieved.

When I'm not dreaming, it allows me to sleep soundly. Now, my body, which felt the pain from falling from the bicycle, seemed to have healed. Today I don't have any appointment for breakfast together with Ai'Tong in the university cafeteria, so I plan to have some bread and milk for breakfast. Two days ago, I bought a lot of food at the supermarket. Nearly expired bread and milk, right, I'm an expert on this. Although I know buying normal food can definitely be stored for a few days, unfortunately there’s no discount. And today I'm going to eat them all before they expire.

Deja Vu สังหรณ์รัก { English Translation }Where stories live. Discover now