18. Back at the work room, the queens get ready once again

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They rushed back to the work room, breathing heavily, their hearts pumping loudly, a feeling of euphoria going through their brains.

"Your Highness! I did alright didn't I?", Feng Xin asked, beaming, as in a frenzy.

"No", Mu Qing replied, flatly.

"You fucking shut up!"

"Feng Xin, you did great!", Xie Lian said, smiling. He wasn't lying; the fact that Feng Xin didn't fall and tripped everyone else was already a big achievement. Xie Lian then put his hands together and shouted, "Thank you for your hard work everyone!", then he added, "Girrrls we slayed!", scratching his cheek, a bit uncertain about the correct use of drag lingo.

Mu Qing wouldn't let Feng Xin off easy, and mumbled, "Yeah, except I almost twisted my ankle there thanks to CERTAIN PEOPLE's timing being wrong again..."

"You're talking about me? Why didn't you keep your own fucking timing then since you're so fucking amazing?" Feng Xin said, swinging his fan threateningly.

Mu Qing was about to reply, when Ling Wen intervened,

"General Nan Yang, General Xuan Zhen. You won't get changed to participate on the pageantry then?"

They looked at each other darkly, and hurried back to their work stations, walking unsteady on their heels. Xie Lian sighed relieved, thanking Ling Wen mentally; she was the director of ceremonial and etiquette after all, and another brawl between these two was the last thing she needed.

At their work stations, while getting undressed, everyone exchanged excited broken impressions about the presentation overall.

"I was so nervous my heart was thumping out of my ears!", said Pei Su, the once always cool and collected Pei Ming's right-hand man.

"Shixiong, shixiong, did I look good? Hum, glamorous and fabulous?", Quan Yzhen kept asking Yin Yu, who just nodded impatiently, trying to get Qhai Yzhen ready for the next presentation.

"Uff uff I'm out of breath again!", gasped Ke Mo, waving the fan from the dance routine nervously against his own face.

Back at their undergarments of padded hips and fake breasts, they had to be helped to their gowns by their style advisors. The fact that they didn't have much time to get the final definite look for the dragrace helped to curb the nerves, as they could only concentrate in getting dressed and fixing their multiple accessories.

Some thumping music and cheering noises were heard from outside; the support acts Shi Qingxuan arranged to play with the audience's excitement were giving their all in their performances.

After dressing up, they all kept just looking at one another in a daze, thinking they all indeed looked glamorous and fabulous; not even having witnessed this transformation breaking the spell. They lined up at the exit again, their breaths now faulting more than ever.

It's not or never! Thanks for reading! 😁😁😁

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