26. The attendees cast their votes with the help of a special guest

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After the cheering subsided slightly, Shi Qingxuan continued, "Now I need to call on stage a very special guest. This person is a recluse and isolated heaven official, living closer to the mortal realm; an above all doubt individual who is going to be in charge of the voting."

He continued, "Please welcome to the main stage The Lord Rain Master, His Highness Princess of Yushi, Yushi Huang, or one of the famous four tales, The Princess Who Slit Her Throat!"

The audience applauded and cheered, first because of the lengthy presentation, full of impressive titles; second because everyone worshipped The Lord Rain Master dearly, as she was responsible for agriculture. And third because they would be able to finally choose the festival's winner, and they were curious about how this was going to work.

The Lord Rain Master, being a discreet and quiet lady, still made quite the entrance mounted on her magical black ox; how an ox that big was lightly walking in the main stage was a mystery, and this certainly startled most. She was wearing verdant robes, not luxurious but of a noble, dignified quality; her clear eyes and calm serene expression unaltered.

Her voice rang in the spiritual broadcasting array like a bell, "Temple Master, I'm very honoured in being in charge of the voting for such dazzling festival. And don't these queens just look exquisite!", she said. In spite of always having lived in a temple in quiet cultivation and away from the court's luxuries, she did look jealous of the queen's looks!

"Esteemed Lords and Ladies. You must choose the winner in your hearts; remember you're all under a magical binding oath as well! I'm going to cast a spiritual rain; each raindrop will match a vote, raining on its chosen queen. The winner will be the rainiest queen; isn't rain just a wondrous gift from the heavens?", and she smiled brightly.

The audience was hypnotised. The lights dimmed, and the hundred drums returned like heartbeats, as if saying, vote from your hearts... The Lord Rain Master cast a magical rain, its light drops beautiful and blindingly bright. The crowd was clapping, yelling crazily.

The luminous raindrops suddenly started raining on the queens on the main stage, making an extraordinary effect, all those glamorous and fabulous deities being surrounded in soft and yet fierce spiritual light, truly an ethereal sight. However, one queen visibly received a thicker rain, and was undoubtedly the winner of Shi Qingxuan's Dragrace.

The crown went hysterical, going wild like crashing waves, their cheer ringing to the heavens.

By The Heaven Official! This is it! Who do you think it was? 😀 😍 😜

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