Chapter 9: A fun day for a change

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The first two weeks apart were not easy to deal with for the friend group.

Tom, who is on the one hand happy to make friends with literal legends, is on the on the other hand kind of sad about the fact that his girlfriend is now in his homeland cleaning. Luckily Harrison is with him in L.A and he always knows how to cheer his best friend up.  The world famous actors with whom Tom is shooting also cheer Tom up even though they have no idea what is going on in his personal life. Every time they shoot a scene they know to cheer Tom up. It are the moments when he is alone when he breaks down, at those moments he just wants to get drunk and wake up from this nightmare.

Harrison, who is too distracted to think about all the things that are happening and is still a bit in denial. Deep down he misses his girlfriend, (although he won't admit it) his family and Scarlett. But he doesn't have the time to think about it, because he is too excited to see Tom acting on set with those big movie stars.

His girlfriend is also in denial. Florence has no friends she can hang out with at the moment. Which makes her a little bit sad, but she decides to just ignore it and prepare for college which she will go to at the end of the summer. She does that by buying interior for her dorm from plants top icing out wallpaper it keeps her busy. Her parents are also taking her a weekend away to distract her from what's all going on.

And than to imagine how bad Scarlett must feels like. She feels like she has been stabbed in the back, run over by a truck, broken every single bone inter body and still has to take care of a huge house. She does not get a lot of sleep, every time she sleeps she get's woken up to clean that or do that. It's exhausting and the only way she gets trough it is knowing that every two weeks she gets 24 hours off to see her friends and have some fun. She is going to check up on her little brother and the Holland family.

Scarlett unlocks her phone and goes to Spotify and sets one of  favorite songs Locked out of heaven from Bruno Mars on replay. She trows her phone on her bed and grabs her bag and starts packing: her white crop top, a green cardigan, black jeans, blue shorts and a pair of sneakers plus her summer pajamas.  Scarlett also puts a set bikinis in her bag, because well you never know what you're going to do. She does her make-up natural before putting her make-up in her bag too then she changes from her dirty clothes to some nicer clothes: blue jeans with a purple crop top paired with a white blouse and some white sneakers. Scarlett opens a little blue box on her desk where Tom's necklace has been for the past two weeks, she grabs the beautiful necklace and puts it on.  She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes fro a few seconds just to realize the first two weeks are over and she can just have some fun or 24 hours straight. Then she opens her eyes again, puts her bag on her shoulder and walks her room out, down the stairs, into the living room. When entering the living room her mother is sitting on he couch with a glass of red wine. Scarlett doesn't even look at the women, but walks straight to the front door. When opening the door Scarlett hears her mother saying,

"24 hours is all you get. Spend it right and don't waste it. Are the hours over and you aren't here? I will send a guy and this time he won't be so gentil as last time. " 

Scarlett doend't respond to her mother, walks over the doorstep and shuts the door down. Right across her on the street she sees Harrison holding Florence's hand, they're both dressed causally. Next to them is Tom standing with red roses in his hand.  When he sees his girlfriend walking out the house he runs to her faster and faster and so does she. When they meet in the middle of the front yard they both let everything they have in their hands fall on the ground and they grab each other and kiss. They both haven't been this happy in two weeks. Harrison and Florence walked slowly behind Tom and  they are too very happy just watching.

Ding dong. It goes when the two couples are ringing the doorbell at the Holland house. Chris went to bed early tonight to be up when his big missed sister.

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