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Hannah lay in the hospital bed as she groaned in pain as she felt another contraction hit her.

Hannah had been in labour for hours and she felt as if it was never ending. She looked to Tom as he took a hold of her hand and smiled. He brushed her hair out of her face and smiled

"I can't do this" Hannah sobbed, Hannah knew that she was early and she was scared and in so much pain

"you can. I know that you are scared but it's okay, this is for our girl and you can do it and once she is here it will be okay, we are going to be a family, but you are the only one who can do so we can see her and hold her" Tom said as Hannah squeezed his hand as she felt another contraction hit her. She looked to Tom and groaned as she pushed hard

"Hannah another the next one I need you to push as hard as you can" the midwife said as Hannah took in some of the gas and air and she pushed, she pushed as hard as she felt that she could as she felt relief. She rested her head back as she heard her baby crying as she was wrapped up and placed on her chest as Hannah looked down at her and smiled

"hi baby girl I'm your mummy" Hannah said

Hannah lay in her hospital bed and smiled as Megan walked in "how is mummy" Megan asked as Hannah smiled

"tired and Tom is never having sex with me again" hannah said as Megan looked to her and smiled

"so you say but look how cute she is, have you named her yet" Megan asked as she looked to the sleeping baby as hannah smiled

"not yet, Tom went to gets some things. I can't believe we did it. Tom and I actually made her and she's so pure and innocent and it's scary we have to well not damage her" hannah said as Megan chuckled

"yeah but you won't, look you and Tom have been through a lot and you can do this. You can make her into a good person and you are good people and you can make your relationship work it won't be easy but I do think that you can do it" Megan said as hannah looked to her and smiled.

Hannah knew that things were hard with her and Tom and how they just got back together but hannah knew that she did want to try and make their relationship work but knew it was going to be challenging

Hannah looked down at her baby in her arms and smiled. She couldn't believe how she had made her and she felt that all the drama that she and Tom had been through was worth it, that It was all worth it and it made her feel happy.

Hannah looked as Tom walked in and smiled "hey is she okay" Tom said as Hannah smiled

"yeah she's perfect. It's going to be okay I know it is" Hannah said as Tom walked over to her and kissed her but could they make it work knowing that they were officially a family?

My baby girl *Waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now