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Hannah sat in her flat and sighed as she tried to call Tom. Her head was a mess and now she felt as if Tom was avoiding her and it scared her. They had both gotten themselves into the mess and now she was left pregnant and scared and she didn't know what to do if now to act over it. She ran her hands through her hair as she placed her phone down. She knew tom was avoiding her and worried that she would have to go through all of it alone and she was scared and didn't know to do and the last thing that she wanted was to be in this alone and she knew that if she had to that she would. Hannah stood up and sighed as she walked into the kitchen trying to find something to eat as she placed a hand on her stomach and sighed. She wanted a McDonald badly

Hannah sighed as she drove into work and sighed as she threw the packing from her McDonald's in the back seat and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. She stood from the car and walked through the car park and sighed as she saw Tom. She looked to him and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair and walked over to him and smiled "we need to talk" she said "Hannah don't" "don't Hannah me, I'm pregnant with your baby and nothing is going to change that and like it or not I am keeping it so you need to decide what you want" Hannah said as she walked off. She didn't care what Tom wanted. He had barley spoken or looked to her. She was keeping her baby. It was her baby after all and she wanted her baby


Tom walked into the office and sighed as he saw max who looked to him and frowned "everything okay Tom?" Max asked "Hannah is pregnant and she's keeping it. One way or another it's only so long until rose finds out" Tom said as max looked to him and smiled "you really need to ask yourself what you want as no matter what she is pregnant and keeping the baby and there had to be a reason that you were sleeping with her as if your really happy with rose then to would t of been doing it" max said as Tom looked to him and nodded. Tom knew max was right and that it was only so long before rose found out but she was the last thing in his mind when he knew that he was going to be a father and had the chance to do it right


Megan walked into the staffroom and frowned as she saw Hannah "are you okay" she asked Hannah who looked to her and shock her head "I don't know, I'm scared and I don't know if I can do this" Hannah said as Megan looked to her and smiled "I know but it's okay I promise I'm here and your not alone" Megan said as Hannah looked to her and smiled

My baby girl *Waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now