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"Please. I need a night out and you're the only one I can do that with," Megan said as she stood in the doorway to Hannah's flat. She grinned. "Come on. Max Tyler thinks he owes me when he doesn't."

Hannah rolled her eyes. "I'm pregnant if you haven't noticed you donut. I can't exactly get drunk."

"No. But you can have non-alcoholic drinks and I can do the drinking for you. Come on, I will even get you some nuggets tonight," Megan begged.

Hannah groaned but nodded. "Okay okay. Only if you buy nuggets for me and bump."

"Deal. Go and get ready."


The two girls made their way to the club. Hannah knew she shouldn't have been there. But she didn't care. She wanted to have some fun. Even if she couldn't get drunk. Megan got some drinks in. "Non-alcoholic for my best friend. Extremely alcoholic for me."


Megan laughed and nodded. "That's me babes."

"Anyways. What is going on with you and Max? I thought it was a one time thing?" She asked. She saw the look on Megan's face. "What?"

Megan sighed. "He thinks he can tell me what to do. We're not even together."

Hannah laughed and smirked. "That's the joys of a bed buddy. I give it three months before you're pregnant."


The next morning, Hannah walked into work. She saw Megan sitting on the bonnet of her car and walked over to her. "So, hows the hangover?" She asked.

"Delicate. Don't make me go in there. Please."

"Come on diva."


Tom smirked when Hannah walked in. "I saw your social media posts. Enjoy your night?" He asked as he pulled her into his arms.

Hannah laughed. "I didn't drink. I was supporting Megan. She's the alcoholic."

Tom grinned and nodded. "Right. Why is she drinking?"

"Issues with her bed buddy. Don't worry. As long as my bed buddy is happy. It's all good," Hannah said as she kissed his neck. She felt Tom groan. "That's enough of that."

Tom rolled his eyes. He knew he had to make things work with Hannah for the sake of their baby. He walked over to Max. Megan scoffed. "Look at him. The pompous prick. The only good thing about him is his dick. And believe me, I'd probably get more pleasure from a cactus wearing dildo."

Hannah choked on her coffee. "You didn't just say that."

"I did."


Hannah smiled as Max walked into the classroom. Tom behind him. "Gentlemen. What do I owe the pleasure?" She asked.

Max smirked. "There's a school trip coming up. Three nights in London. Would you be willing to tag along? Tom and Megan are attending too."

Hannah frowned. "I'm pregnant. I can't do much."

Tom rolled his eyes. "He just wants an excuse to get Megan into bed. It's supposed to be an educational trip. Shakespeares theatre. The lot."



Max had soon gone. Tom turned to Hannah and sighed. "I haven't been fully honest with you."

Hannah frowned. "Tom?"

Tom knew that what he was going to tell Hannah was going to ruin everything between them. He wanted to be honest with Hannah. "I've been sleeping with Davina..."

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