Rumple - Unexpected Soulmates

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Request from @fanficismydrug on Tumblr. The reader is hiding from the evil queen after the curse is broken. She has a dark power that can only belong to her soulmate, trouble is she never expected it to the dark one.

Walking down the alley from my apartment I keep my head down with my hood covering my face. It's only been a couple days since the curse was broken by Emma. For everyone else it meant reuniting with your loved ones but for me it means that I'm on the run again from the Evil Queen. Before the curse was cast she had been looking for ne because I had stolen some money from her castle. At the time I had discovered she wasn't after the money but in fact trying to figure out what magic was used to knock her guards out cold. I knew my magic was dark because everytime I did a spell red smoke followed afterwards. The question of why still remains.

Rushing down the street I opened the first door I came across nit bothering to read the sign. Closing the door quickly I slide down onto the floor hoping that I'm safe inside who's ever shop this is. Glancing around I see all kinds of different objects from dolls to swords sitting in glass cases. "I appreciate it if you didn't break my little bell dearie." A Scottish voice enters from the back room walking with a cane coming to offer me a hand that I reluctantly take so he pulled me off the wooden floor. "My name's Mr. Gold but back in our land I was Rumplestiltskin. Can I know who you are you lass?" The Dark One, oh I'm dead.

"I'm Y/n, you wouldn't know my name there....I should go." I started to leave but something appears on my right ring finger that is a ring. Rumple lifts his freehand seeing the same exact ring on his hand. He didn't want to admit it but when he stepped into the room seeing you he felt something drawing him towards you, like some type of magic he had never dealt with before. "Did you create this?" I asked glancing back at him over my shoulder showing him the ring that glows red when I held it up. Why is it glowing like my magic. "I didn't do anything. I can sense magic from you though, did you?" I shake my head no confused as he appeared to be.

Rumple walks over to a stake of books flipping through pages before handing it to me so I can read the title 'Soulmates'. "I've read some parts of this type of magic but I never considered it to be real. In the chapter it describes that when two people, the mates finally meet a matching object appears on them." He removed his ring sitting it on the countertop and he waves his hand making it disappear in red smoke. "I'm gonna do a simple test. Bring it back then we'll have our answer." Lifting my right hand I close my eyes for a second thinking then open them waving my hand in the air seeing it return from the same color smoke.

"What does this mean, Rumple?" I slowly questioned trying to wrap my head around it but I'm not a master of magic like him. He rounds the counter coming to stand close in front of me. "It means Y/n that you and I are soulmates." He explains directing his freehand between the two of us. Sucking a lump in my throat I looked into his brown eyes feeling some desire that wasn't there until he spoke those words. "So what do we do...answer the rings and take a leap of faith?" I asked dropping my arms at my side. Rumple rests his right hand to my cheek leaning down to whisper. "It appears so dear." He then closes the gap kissing me slowly where at first I want to push him back but instead I kiss him back for a short few seconds. "Well lass how would say to letting me buy you dinner at Granny's and see where this leads?" He offered me his arm and I loop mine through it giving him a small smile. "We might have to finish reading the rest of that book to find out, Dearie." He smiled hearing me use his enchanted phrase.

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