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Lately there had been a lot of tension in the gang, it felt like everyone was fighting. Y/c hadn't been the nicest either due to the tension. Currently the two of you were in a screaming match about some Soc he had talked to at Bucks. Sure he had flirted a little, but in his eyes it was harmless, "What are you freaking out about?! You're so dramatic lately!" He yells at you angrily, "I need you to take a breath and chill out a little!" He snaps warningly, "Your insecurities are not my issue!" He adds angrily. You?

Archer and Darry were outside on the front lawn having their own screaming match, but that wasn't unusual for the pair since they seemed to have a love-hate relationship, but this time it was serious. The two were unaware that the window was open as they fought, "It takes two to tango, Darrell!" She yells angrily, "This is not just my fault!" She yells. Archer was known to sleep around a little, including with Paul Randle. She was pregnant and Darry didn't believe it was his since he assumed there were multiple candidates, "Darrell, I'm telling you, it's YOURS!" She says angrily. He was broke with nine people who relied on him coming in and out of his house, let alone how expensive a baby would be, "What do you want me to do?! It's not my fault you were irresponsible!" She scoffs. He?

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