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193 8 0

Neil grunted. He adjusted the dial on his new invention, and in total, this invention was going pretty well even though he had considered the worst.

"Neil!" Harrison called. "Whatchya working on?" The boy in yellow and black walked up to Neil, his hazel eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"It's important. Bug Preston, or Nerris, or somebody other than me. Just fuck off." Neil sneered, why wouldn't Harrison leave him alone? Sure, he loved Harrison, but sometimes the magician would get annoying. 

"Nerris and Preston are busy, so I wanted to see what you were doing." Harrison grinned. "Need any help?"

"Not . . any . . more." Neil sighed as he lowered his wrench and lifted it away from the stainless steel invention.

"What even is it?" Harrison asked. He looked astonished, but then again, he always marveled at Neil's creations.

"It's supposedly going to teleport stuff around the world. Mr. Campbell prodded me into making it after he learned after Nurf." Neil turned to Harrison, a hand rested on the console of the teleporter. "Wanna test it out? Since you can use your magic, I assume you can teleport back. Unless, and I'll be damned if it's true, my assumptions are wrong."

"I don't have a clue if I can teleport back, but I still want to try it." The Israeli-sounding boy sounded more optimistic than Max, but still less than David. "It'll be nice to get away from camp today. Mr. Campbell was making those gravy ball things for lunch again." Harrison and Neil shivered. They couldn't deny it, Mr. Campbell sucked at cooking.

"Well then, I was initially going to test it on Nikki, but seeing as she won't feel good after Campbell's cooking, you try it." Neil's hand curled into a fist. "The other campers might not feel good either. I'm gonna warm it up." Neils balled-up fist slammed at button, but instead of pressing the warm-up button, he slammed the start button. 

A blueish, unstable-looking vortex opened in the circlet of the machine. "Neil! What did you press?!" Harrison shouted, looking at the vortex. 

"I- I don't know! I thought I pressed the . . ." Neil lifted his hand, which showed he slammed his fist against the start button. ". . . warm up button. Damn it!"

In a swift motion, the two quickly were sucked into the vortex.

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