ʙʟᴜᴇ ғɪʀᴇ | ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ II

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Neil woke up in an unfamiliar place, it looked like an underground lab, but was completely colorless. Like a parallel dimeson of sorts.

"Nice to meet ya, Neil." An unusually chipper voice . . but not like David's said. 

"What the . . ." Neil sat up, a yellow triangle with the looks of a pyramid with a bow tie and a top hat hovered in front of him. "H-How . . how the fuck do you know my name?!"

"Language, please." The triangle opened a singular eye in the center of itself. "The name is Bill, Bill Cipher."

"That doesn't answer how you know my fucking name, Bill." Neil narrowed his eyes at the triangle demon, his own voice filled with odd hatred. "You sound like David."

"I~ want to make a deal. You, right now, are in Gravity Falls, Oregon. With Harrison, in the bottom of the Mystery Shack. Mind you, hundreds of miles away from Camp Campbell." Bill paused, as Neil assumed was just for dramatic pause. But Harrison was here, too? Harrison must've been worried sick. Maybe. Or, Harrison is just going to be an asshole.

"You're gushing about Harrison in your mind, it's utterly hilarious how much you love him. Sad you two aren't dating, yet. Anyways, about that deal, if you give me what I request, I can get you home. So, want to make a deal?"

Neil wasn't buying it. This guy . . . Bill Cipher, wasn't even human. Hell, he wasn't even in his own dimension because of this freak! Neil inhaled sharply, and spat out a solid . . 


Bill brushed this off quickly, then retracted his hand. "That's alright. Either I'll be back soon or I'll speak with Harrison. Anywho, you're waking up. Nice meeting you, Neil."

This world shook. Bill quickly faded, and Neil was met to an older guy overlooking his face.

"Harrison, where did you two come from, anyway?" The guy asked. looking to his left.

"Camp Campbell, Lake Lilac, Michigan." He heard Harrison reply quietly and awkwardly, but his accent was still strong enough that Neil could tell it was him.

"Ah, Michigan. It's mysteries always fascinated me, but I never went there. Tell me, Harrison, have you ever seen the Dogman?" The guy hovering above Neil asked. Dogman? 

"Hm. It seems Neil is awake. Harrison, could you get Dipper and Mabel for me, please?" 

"Sure thing, Stanford." Neil heard Harrison reply. Then footsteps, going up stairs.

"Are you alright, kid? My niece and nephew said that you and Harrison flew out a portal and you were knocked unconscious. And then, well- you floated because of Harrison."

"Now I'll need full names to see if I can contact your parents, now, what's your full name?" Stanford asked, which made Neil a bit uncomfortable.

"Uhm . . . it's Neil Doyle Cohen. Uh . ." Neil paused. "I'm pretty sure Harrison's is uh, Harrison Alvarez."

"Well, I'll be contacting both of your parents shortly. Anyways, how are you feeling?" Stanford asked non-hesitantly.

"Alright, I guess." 

"Neil! You're up!" Neil didn't even hear footsteps coming down the stairs, but now Harrison and two similar-looking people were now in the labratory.

"Uhm. Hey, Harrison."

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