sᴄᴀᴛᴛᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴘɪɴᴇ ᴛʀᴇᴇs | ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ I

145 3 0

"Hey, Mabel, what do you think we should do today?" Dipper asked, the journal open, but opened onto the first blank page.

"I don't know, dip-n-dot. Can't we just explore the woods?" Mabel responded. "We always chase something random, and never just explore." Mabel kicked a small rock, her hair bounced in her continued step.

Dipper and Mabel's ears perked to the left, and when they turned, there are a blue vortex-portal thing, and out tumbled two kids. One had a yellow sweater, and maroon pants. The other was dressed in a more fancy way, with a black suit, yellow undershirt, a black tie, black dress shoes, black pants, and a black top hat.

The boy with the top hat rubbed his temples in a pained manner. "Neil . . ?" The boy looked up. "WOAH- the fuck?!" The boy's eyes continuously switched between Dipper and Mabel.

"Wait- we're good guys! Who are you?" Dipper jumped, but kept his eyes locked with the boy in the top hat's.

The boy heaved a sigh, and got up, stretching. He was slightly shorter than Dipper and Mabel, so they believed he was younger than them. " . . . Harrison. My name is Harrison." He looked at the boy in the yellow sweater. "His name is Neil. I don't even think he's awake-" Harrison knelt down to Neil, and shook him. His head was bleeding, and he seemed unconscious.

"Neil!" Harrison seemed genuinely panicked.

"Don't worry- our uncle could check up on him!" Dipper claimed. 

"Okay . ." Harrison was hesitant. "But who are you, and where are we?"

Mabel perked up, "Well I'm Mabel, and he's Dipper! You're in Gravity Falls, Oregon."

"What?!" Harrison's sudden outburst surprised the twins. "But we're from- oh my fucking god . . Neil's machine worked!" 

"Huh . . what kind of . . machine?" Dipper asked as he clung to the journal.

"Dipper! We should probably make sure they're okay first, before you go all nerdy!" Mabel interrupted, making her and Dipper break into a small fight.

The two were so caught in their argument that they didn't notice that Neil was floating, and Harrison was the reason.

Harrison cleared his throat. "So, uhm, guys, can we get Neil to your uncle before he dies of blood loss?"

Dipper and Mabel froze while looking at Harrison. "THE YELLOW FORMAL ATTIRE, DANGIT MABEL- I SHOULD'VE KNOWN!" Dipper pointed at Harrison. "HE'S MOST LIKELY THE PERSONIFIED VERSION OF BILL!" 

Unbeknownst to the twins, Harrison had a strong fear of yelling, and loud noise in general (Sonophobia). So, naturally, Harrison tried to block out as much noise as possible.

"DIPPER! You're scaring Harrison. Help now, questions and answers later." Mabel spoke up, signaling to said boy.

"Fine . . fine . . but I'm telling Ford how Neil was . . . transported."

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