Part 3.17

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Rikamu peers at the gap in the leaves. There's a cold spot where the heart used to be. She has never given a heart back before. But the girl had a claim. Yes, the claim was good.

The one with the red hair is out again. She huddles under the tree, green eyes weeping.

"I told you she would not take you back," Rikamu tells her. "She cannot. The soul is the same, but the hearts are different."

She has never seen this before. The same soul returning, over and over again. And every time, a new heart.

But though the heart is unique, the shadow is passed on. She has seen the shadow in the girl, the angry one. Lily, that was her name. She has had many names. Some have been forgotten. She does not remember them all, Rikamu knows.

She turns to the girl with the red hair. Her name has been forgotten, but she has not been forgotten. No, she will never be forgotten.

She sealed her fate that day, centuries ago in this same rainforest. Rikamu had found her then, afraid and hurt. She could not survive. Rikamu knew it. Her heart was holding her back. So Rikamu helped her.

Yes, she helped. That is her job. To help. Perhaps one day the girl Lily will return to her. Perhaps she will be hurt and afraid, and unable to go on. Rikamu will help her. That is her job.

One day the girl will return, and Rikamu will help her. Rikamu slips into the shadows and waits.


(Episode Four coming up next!)

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