Chapter 3

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"I'm going to kill you!"

I lay in bed, Jay behind me and think of the boy I spent my whole shift with, training him to do the job I now do.
"Y/n!" I hear Jay yell and it snaps me back to reality.
"Huh? What?" I question, rubbing the back of my head due to the pain of his loud sharp voice.
"I've been calling your name for the past 5 minutes and nothing! What are you thinking about which could possibly be so important that you space out about it?!" He screams at me, my body flinching back at every drop of spit which lands on my face.
"Nothing. Just some work things I have to get done.." I reply, wiping the wet drips off my face.
"Bullshit." He responds. My eyes widen with the tone he uses and the sudden weight being lifted off my bed, my body preparing itself for the barricade it will have to put up as protection against his blows.
"N-No it's not! I promise!" My voice comes out shaky and my mind is on edge, thinking of solutions to this problem which has just arose in front of me. Jay's stronger than me... more powerful... I'm weak and have no strength when I'm in this state.
"Yes it is! What were you thinking about? Don't lie to me Y/n..." Hands turn to fists as he begins getting less patient and more aggressive. I slowly back up, off the bed and grab my keys, racing for the front door. I hear a thud as he trips over something and I make it to the kitchen to grab my phone. His footsteps echo, coming down the stairs... I break for the front door and shakily unlock the doors to my car, getting in and locking them behind me.
My unsteady hands make it to the ignition and I twist to turn it on, still without a seatbelt, floor the gas and speed out of of the driveway, feeling pleased I decided to reverse-park my car the night before.
"Hey Siri..." I say, shakily.
"Yes?" It responds.
"Call McDonalds on speaker..."
"Calling McDonalds - Work, on speaker"

Brr... brr... brr...

"Thank you for calling McDonalds, how can I help you?" A voice comes through my phone speaker.
"Hey is that Sabrina?" I question, trying to sound as normal as I can.
"Y/n? What's up?" Sabrina sounds surprised to hear from me after my shift ended 5 hours ago. I expected her to since it's not really common in our store.
"Yea haha.. I have a massive favour to ask..." I swallow hard.
"Yes? What's up?"
"What's the new guy Nick's phone number? He said he had some questions to ask me after our shifts ended but I was in a hurry and left before he could ask.." I chuckle nervously, praying she believed my story.
"Oh yea of course! Let me have a look for you..." After some typing, I pull over with a pen and paper I found in my glovebox, ready to write. "It's xxx-xxx-7240." She replies.
"Thank you so much!" I exclaim.
"It's no problems Y/n. See you tomorrow yea?"
"Yea sure. Bye bye!" I hang up and look at the number scribbled on the page in front of me, typing it in my phone and calling.
"Hello?" A familiar face replies.
"Hey uh, Nick?" I say, my voice beginning to crack due to the help in waterworks.
"Y/n? What's up? Are you okay?" He replies, sounding concerned.
"Can I stay at yours? I know it's weird since we've barely known each other but I just can't go home..." I begin driving around aimlessly again.
"Oh how come? Everything okay? You know what, don't worry about it. Tell me when you get here." He replies, a light chuckle leaving his lips which makes me smile.
"Okay. Send me your address and I'll be over soon." We exchange goodbyes and Nick ends the call, sending the address directly after.
I tap the link it created and head to his house which is only a 5 minute drive from my location. Making sure to park the car a couple houses down on the footpath in case I am found. Once I get out, I notice Nick waiting for me out the front of his house and I walk over, wiping away past tears.
"You know you can pull into my driveway..." He sighs.
"It's alright I don't want to take up your space." Forcing a fake smile, he notices it.
"Come inside. Netflix is in the living room waiting." I spot a smile creep onto his lips and it makes me smile in return... a genuine one... not a fake one.

The next few hours, we chill out and talk, laughing to the shows and cuddling till 2 am. Checking the time on my phone, I quickly realise how late it's gotten and ask to use his shower, even though I'll be in the same clothes.
"I'll leave you a hoodie and sweatpants. It may be a little bigger than your own but it will be better than what you're wearing now." Standing up he heads to his room.
"No no! It's okay!" I say, fear escaping my lips, thinking of what Jay will do if he sees me in another guys clothing.
"Y/n, you're shaking... what's going on?" Nick questions, my eyes widening realising he realised.
"Nothing nothing- just nerves that's all!" I chuckle dryly and my phone rings. "I'll be right back." I smile, picking it up and seeing it's Jay. I walk into the hallway outside the bathroom and answer.
"Hello?" I say, preparing for what is about to come my way.
"Where the hell are you?!" His screaming through the phone hurts my head...
"At a friends wh-" before I can finish, he screams at me again.
"What friend?? You have no one! I made sure of that!"
"Just a work friend! She's new... I'm sorry-"
"I'm going to kill you!" He shouts through the phone. "Let me speak to this stupid friend of yours then." My heart drops into my stomach. He wants to speak to Nick...

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