"What? No I don't," I said to her.
"Yes you do...tell me what it is,"
"Okay, so I was in the hospital..."
"Yea, I know you were. Skip to your secrets."
"Well, I might of kissed a boy."
Oops, spilled the beans.
I didn't actually expect the reaction I was hoping for. Connor looked up and partially spilled his coffee, and Emma was just really surprised. I don't know why though...I'm nineteen with a boy in a coma as a boyfriend.
"Really, no ones going to say a word?" I asked.
"I'll say something if you'd like." Trevor asked from behind me.
"Shut up Trevor." I said.
"You kissed someone?" Connor asked.
"I literally just said that." I said.
"Wait, I'm confused, I thought you were dating Troye," Connor asked
"I know! I am! But still, does that make me a bad girlfriend?"
"Yes! Do you not know what being a girlfriend means? It means that you can't go out kissing strangers whenever you want!" Emma yelled.
"But he was so sweet and..."
"Emma! He wasn't a stranger! I got to know him!"
"Kat, you never know what's going to happen! He could secretly be a serial killer!"
"So he's a serial killer disguised as a cancer patient?"
"Yes! You probably got distracted by his cancer!"
"He wouldn't lie about having cancer! Even if he was a serial killer."
Then there was a weird moment of silence.
"Wait, I have a question," Trevor asked.
I turned around to Trevor, a little bit pissed.
"What?" I asked.
"Why would a serial killer be tracking you down in a hospital?"
"How do you know? Even we know a lot about him so far and you only told us that you two kissed." Connor said.
"You don't even know him name," I said.
"Then what is it?" Emma asked.
"Matthew Espinosa."
Once I said his name, a shock went up my spine like how it did whenever I said Troyes name after he went into a coma. I don't know what it's supposed to mean though; maybe I have a crush on him. Maybe not.
After Connor and Emma settled down about the whole kissing thing, we decided to watch a movie. We didn't know what movie, we just knew we were going to watch one.
Trevor was looking through a basket under the television full of old movies.
"Hey what about this one!" He said holding up a movie.
"Maybe, what's it called?" Connor asked.
"I have no idea. But it's about a girl who loses her soulmate to a coma and goes out kissing strangers. Coincidence, right?"
"Shut up, Trevor." I said.
"Sounds interesting, put it in." Connor said.
"Maybe we should just order out and not watch a movie, what do you think, Emma?" I asked.
"What? Um, yea, sure." She responded blocking out the world and only concentrating on whatever was on her phone
"Okay, then what did I just say?" I asked.
"Something about something."
"Okay, who are you texting?"
"Just a friend,"
"Emma, I know all your friends; Connor, Trevor, me, and like four other people from school who you never keep in touch with."
"Yea, I made a new friend."
"Really! Who!" I said sounding like a mom to a kindergartener who just made a new friend.
"I can't say,"
"Why not?"
"Because...why do you even care?"
"I don't know, I just want to know,"
"I second that!" Trevor screamed.
"What, you think I have a secret boyfriend or something?"
"Well now I do!" Trevor said standing up and walking over to her.
"Hey, I told you my secret, you tell me yours." I said.
"What secret? That you kissed someone?"
"Yea, you wanted it and I told you it,"
"C'mon, tell me about your secret boyfriend," Trevor said.
"You mean you? I kind of think everybody already knows about that."
"So what? Kat kissed a serial killer and Emma's secretly dating someone other than Trev?" Connor came out and said.
"Shut up! It's literally just a friend! Nothing else!" Emma screamed.
"Then tell us," I asked.
"Okay, but only if all of you promise not to tell anyone." Emma asked.
"Okay, talk away." Trevor said.
"Oh God, here it is," She took a breath, "I'm getting Connor a cat for his birthday."
Connor yelled "Yay!" And I just rolled my eyes.
I could tell, that wasn't any secret.

True Love//Troye Sivan
FanfictionWhen Troye goes into a four year coma that's caused by a car accident, he forgets a few things. Like him and Katrina's two year long relationship. Will Katrina make him remember her again? Or will Troye live the rest of his life with something missi...