chapter 19

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Well, you guys might be wondering what happened to my mother-in-law and Ife.

"24 years have passed when I last saw them. Bisi did send people to kill someone. The person was never me though. The incident was just an accident, that was never meant to happen We had it all planned out. Before she passed away I forgave her of everything that might have ever occurred. I guess you might be wondering if Ada died. I'm the one talking to you. We had it all planned out. Behind the windows, no one knew. Ify was the actual one trying to destroy my marriage. Dayo's mother got shot too. Dayo's mistress left, the baby was never his. I was excited that I got my husband back; the love I had for him the first day never grew cold, but Dayo died a couple of months later after his mother's departure. God lets some situations happen so he can teach you something out of it. I never despised my Mother-in-law like that. I Adaego was never raised up like that."

"If you permit me to ask something, why are you telling this story to us ma?"

" I want you guys, people, to forgive. As stated in Matthew 6:14 Forgive those that trespass against as your heavenly Father does. No matter what might occur between you or anyone in life, just forgive. I wasn't ready to forgive, but I remembered a word a pastor told me years back.... this life is a battle field

I know this chapter is in short...but we move. No matter what you face in this life, just remember it's part of your story. It has been written. After every victory there is a warfare. Also run to Abba Father no matter what.

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