3) big buddy orphanage

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(Wanda's POV)

The outside of the building didn't look half bad. It looked very well kept, built using yellow brinks, and had many plants lining the exterior. The Big Buddy orphanage looked very welcoming which I was not expecting.

I took slow steps up the stones leading towards the front doors. As I had made my way in front of the door, I took notice of the two large identical-looking butterfly bushes, which looked beautiful.

There were two large brown doors, rounded at the top finished off with a large window on each. I took my hand up to the lower middle and knocked twice making my presence known. I waited at the front steps for a few moments before a young blonde lady wearing a purple skirt along with a black shirt covered by a teal jacket (totally did not use the description of Gwen Stacy) opened the door and invited me inside.

The interior of the orphanage looked as welcoming as the exterior. Fun paintings on each wall, a variety of board games and books, plants on the window sills, and kids of many ages scattered throughout the rooms.

"Hi, I'm Sandy Brown" The blonde greeted me as she extended her hand out for me to shake.

"Wanda Maximoff," I told her as we shook hands.

"Oh, you're the Scarlett Witch, big fan!" I gave her a smile in return feeling a bit awkward.

"Well, I'm here looking for a boy about my height, maybe a bit taller, brown hair. 16 years old" I told her describing Peter. Sandy looked around the room for a boy that matched my description, she eventually turned to face me once again and said,

"Well, today a boy named Peter Parker came, he is most likely the boy you are looking for. I am guessing he is up in his room."

"uh, thanks. Do you mind showing me to him?" I asked

"yep, no problem. follow me." Sandy waved me to follow her as she started to walk towards the stairs leading upstairs. We walked up eight stairs and reached the landing which had 3 doors. Sandy then started explaining the layout of the floor.

"This is the boys' floor. The first door is for 3 to 7-year-olds, this next one is for 8 to 12-year-olds, the one next to that one is for 13 to 17-year-olds. The next floor is for the girls, which has the same layout as this one. The floor above the girls is strictly for kids 0 up till 2 years of age because it is farthest away from all the activity, and kids that young need the most rest. " Sandy explained to me as we walked to the door she said was for 13-17-year-olds.

Once we got close enough to the door Sandy lightly placed her knuckles and knocked softly on the door. Not long after Peter walked out looking exhausted.

"Wanda!" Peter exclaimed as he threw himself into my arms and let his tears rain onto my shirt.

"I'll let you two be, come down when you are ready," Sandy whispered to me mostly as she made her way back down the stairs, giving us some space.

(I rly want to do Pietro's pov rn but can't :( - Clint's POV)

It was not normal for Wanda to need to get somewhere so fast and look so nervous like that. I've only seen her like that a few times with all the years I have spent with her. Currently, I was curious and scared about what was happening. Even if I wanted to follow her, I knew I couldn't. She is an adult now and can make her own decisions, I just really hope that she stays out of too much trouble.

Nathaniel came into the room and popped a seat down on the couch next to me. Laura had taken Lila and Cooper to a carnival not too far away. Nate wouldn't be able to do anything there so I stayed home with him and Wanda until Wanda also left. So now it was just me and Nathaniel.

"Hey, buddy?" I asked my kid

"mhm?" He answered while turning his gaze from the TV to mine.

"Would you want to go out and get some ice cream?"

"Yeah!" the young boy called out excitedly as he ran to the door, to put his shoes on. I chuckled to myself as I followed him to the door and put on my own shoes, taking his hand as we started our walk to the ice cream parlor a bit away.

~~~time skip to when they arrive at the ice cream parlor~~~

We arrived at the shops and headed to our favorite place to get a cold treat. The buildings were older, many of which not having been re-built in years. giving the neighborhood a fun vibe.

As we stepped into the ice cream parlor, a bell sounded alerting people on the inside that we had entered.

"Hi, can we please get two cones, one with strawberry, the other will have chocolate peanut butter, thanks," I told the worker as we came up to the counter.

"No problem, that will be 7.59." The worker said and I gave her a 10 dollar bill.

"Keep the change!" I called out to her as Nate and I left the small shop, ice cream in hand.

"Thank you, enjoy your evening!" the worker called out to us as we exited the building.

This is the third chapter, I finally wrote it. Sorry, it took so long. I do want to clear up some of the ages though. Peter is 16, Wanda is 19, and Sandy is 22. Hope you have enjoyed our story so far


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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