Part 1 (recovery time)

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Top surgery you finally did it and your so happy you over   the moon Lena kept offering to pay but you refused it's something you need to pay from yourself you just got home from the hospital and Lena took the day off to look after you

Lena helped you into the house and you now sat on the sofa "you okay?" Lena asks as she slowly sits down next to you "would you Be mad if I fell asleep right now" you ask Lena smiles and stands up "you sleep I'll cook" Lena Leans down as kisses you

You're wearing a chest binder you have to wear it after the surgery And some shorts Lena pulls a blanket over your bottom after then sees your earring shoes she bends down and slides them off your wearing flip flops Lena said they would be easier to get off she takes them off slowly your sleep at this point a little high on pain meds

Lena goes to leave and walk into the kitchen when your phone starts to ring Lena picks it up and answer it's Alex "hello y/n phone" Lena says "oh hi Lena where y/n?" Alex asks she's your big sister you're the youngest it goes Alex Kara then you "y/n asleep on  the sofa right now"

Alex - "how's he doing?" Lena walks into the kitchen she doesn't want to wake you up "he's good just tried I think" Lena explains you were tried and in pain the pain meds help but it still hurts "me and Kara were thinking about throwing a party for y/n..."

Lena cuts off Alex "not right now maybe in a couple of days" Lena lo...likes you a lot you've been dating for 4 months now "of course come round tomorrow if you want" Lena announce down the phone "yeah sure me and Kara will come around in the Morning"
Alex told Lena you love your sisters they were very except when you came out so was your mum and dad

Lena - "yeah sure I need to go am cooking for y/n see you tomorrow Alex" Lena can't really cook but she try's "see ya, Lena"


Lena wakes you up an hour later "y/n..." you blink awake and smile and try and reach up to rub your eyes but wince in pain "careful darling" Lena puts her hands on your binder carefully to check everything is okay "am okay" Lena takes her hands off your chest "I made dinner and drink This" Lena picks up a cup off the table it has a straw in it

Y/n - "what is it?" Lena hands you the drink "it's pineapple juice it should help with the swelling" you drink some and raise your eyebrows it's taste weird it's sharp and not sweet pineapples are meant to be sweet

Lena starts laughing at your facial expressions "god you're a dork" Lena laughs out you stop drinking and give it back to Lena "gross" Lena puts the drink down on the table and leans forward and kisses you again the kiss gets way too heat the doctor say no sex 3 weeks

Lena pulls away  "we can't" lean whispers "the doctor I can't move my moves arm up but we can do another stuff," you say while looking Lena up and down "eat your dinner" Lena smirk and you and stands up and puts her hands out to help you up

Y/n - "can't I eat you instead," you say as Lena helps you up carefully "stop it" Lena Giggles out Lena walks into the kitchen you follow behind

You and Lena are sitting at the dining table "why can't we eat in the living room" you ask whenever you eat at Lena's it's always in the dining room you don't live with Lena but you're staying with her for a while "because you make a mess when you eat" Lena raise an eyebrow at you

You fake gasp "I do not"  you protest you are a messy person but it's not that bad "the amount of biscuit crumbs I find is mind-blowing,"  Lena says then takes a spoonful of soap and has some you laugh then wince in pain "don't make me laugh" you smile with your eyes closed


You and Lena are laying in bed well you have a crap tone of pillows under you so your comfortable "Kara and Alex are coming over tomorrow morning" Lena laying next to you with her arms warped around yours just so you can be close to each other

You sigh you love Kara and Alex but whenever your sick they  can be a bit much "if Kara starts singing I swear to..." Lena cuts you off  "y/n be nice" you roll your eyes Lena kisses your arm

Y/n - "I'll try for you"  you would do anything for Lena she's the only person you've dated who does just see you as a trans man but as y/n the amazing photographer (you work at catco) and how has two big sisters who are way too protective

Lena - "can you go to sleep for me too" you fake yawn your not tried but Lena is comfortable hugging your arm "good night baby" you get a mumbled good night from Lena

Lena Luther's trans boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now